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口腔生物英文翻译 Ecosystem ecosystem Ecology ecology Micro ecology microecosystem Ecological succession Small habitat niches Oral ecology of oral ecology Normal flora of normal flora Native flora of the native flora Acquired sexual membrane acquired pellicle Dental plaque dental plaque Biological membrane biofilm Plaque calculus dissuade Streptococcus streptococcus Textured streptococcus s.m. utans Streptococci s.anguis Lactobacillus genus Lactobacillus Actinomycetes Actinomyces Nai Neisseria meningitidis Veillonella WeiRong bacteria Periodontal disease periodontal diseases Gingivitis gingivitis Chronic periodontitis chronic periodontitis Aggressive periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis Dental plaque biofilm dental biofilm Supergingival plaque on the gum Attached subgingival plaque attached subgingival Unattached subgingival plaque, unattached subgingival plaque Tannerella forsythensis Porphyrin monocystis Porphyromonas gingivalis Prevatella Intermedia Hemophilus Haemophilus actinomycetemcomitans Fusobacterium nucleatum The scale Treponema denticola Non-specific plaque theory Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Endotoxin endotoxin Gum grain gingipains Leukotoxin leukotoxin Collagen enzyme collagenase Keratinase keratinase Matrix metalloproteinase Sugar metabolism of carbohydrate metabolism Glycolysis pathway for glycolysis Hexodiphosphate pathway embden-meyerhof - Parac Hexoses - Monophosphate Intracellular polysaccharide is polysaccharide Extracellular polysaccharide polysaccharide Glucose base transferase glucosyltransferase The fructosyltransferase frucosyltransferase Dextran dextran Dextran glucan Variable glycan mutan Pyruvate pynivate Lactic acid lactic acid Apatite apatite Fluoride fluoride Fluorapatite fluorapatite Hydroxyapatite hydroxyapatite Dentin sialoprotein dentin sialoprotein DSP Two calcium phosphate brushite Eight calcium phosphate octacalcium phosphate Crystal structure of crystal structure Trace element trace element Demineralization of demineralization Minerali


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