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Alone Together 群体性孤独 Alone Together 一起独处 Hiding from each other人们对别人隐藏自己 人们对别人 Goldilocks effect 适宜效应 Not too close,not too far,just right. 不太近,也不太远,刚刚好。 “...someday,someday,but certainly not now, I would like to learn how to have a conversation... Whats wrong with conversation? It takes place in real time ,and you cant control what youre going to say. Texting Edit Email Delete Posting Retouch Let us present the self as we want to be. conversation connection We sacrifice conversation for mere connection. We short-change ourselves.我们这是自欺欺人 These are not really work for learning about each other,for really coming to know and understand each other. We use conversations with each other to learn how to have conversations with ourselves. It can compromise our capacity for self-reflection. (损害我们自我反省的能力) The feeling that no one is listening to me make us want to spend time with machines that seem to care about us. The illusion of companiship with the demands of frendship. 在不需要真正友情的情况下体验被关心的幻觉。 The moment that people are alone, even for a few seconds, they become anxious,they panic, they fidget, they reach for a device. 当人们独处的时候,即使只有几秒,他们也会变得焦虑惶恐,坐立难安,因而转向那些电子设备。 每次朋友一起聚餐 几个朋友拿起手机自顾自玩的时候,我会觉得很尴尬 要是一桌人都在顾自己玩手机 别人看了会觉得很好笑。


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