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一生都住在城市的人 厌倦职场上激励的竞争 放弃城市生活 结果是… 我有个主意,你听我说 欣喜若狂,非常开心 顺便拜访,顺路探望 哪里出岔子了 a lifelong city man be tired of the rat race give up the city life it turns out that … Tell you what, sb. be thrilled stop by / stop in What went wrong? 在…和…之间变化(有时…,有时…) 极其无聊 忙得烦人 抵制享乐的诱惑 成为…的奴隶/完全受…控制 计算出;弄明白 给狗套上雪橇 恶毒的后母 使某人日子不好过 vary between … and … be extremely tedious be annoyingly busy resist pleasures be a slave to sth. figure out (sth.) hitch dogs to a sled a wicked stepmother make sb.’s life a misery Useful Expressions Book Three Unit One Changes in the Way We Live 我们生活方式的改变 各种各样,形形色色,林林总总 发生得很突然/骤变 …(的情况)就是如此 经历突如其来的/急剧的变化 离开城市 离开开始新的生活 某人不知不觉地产生… 来自于各个方向 changes in the way we live come in all / many shapes and sizes take place in one sudden leap such is / was … experience the dramatic change quit the city go off to start a new life (sth.) creep up on sb. from a variety of directions 正如在…看到的那样,…就是这样的例子 权衡A和B 越来越多的个人自由 牺牲家庭团聚的代价 such has been the case with…, as can be seen in … weigh sth.A against sth. B the increased individual freedom the costs to family unity Unit One, Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life have a romantic idea of sth. dream of doing sth. start up sth. live off the land get round to sth. / doing sth. put sth. into practice just as well be far from easy set out to do sth. combine sth. with sth. have no regrets remain enthusiastic about sth. 对…怀有浪漫的情感 梦想着做… 开办… 靠土地为生 有时间做…,找到时间做… 把…付诸实施 (也)无妨 绝非易事, 绝不轻松 开始做…, 着手做… 把…和…结合起来 不后悔 对…仍然热情不减 创建自己的理想生活 过得去,尚可 对城市和市郊生活的失望 找到心灵的满足 一种自力更生的生活 种植水果和蔬菜 使(某人)经常有某物 剩下,剩余 给…提供… 做到,成功 build one’s dream life get by frustration with city and suburban living find contentment a self-reliant sort of life grow fruits and vegetables keep sb. in sth. leave over provide sb. with sth. make it 取暖过冬 在河上泛舟 在林子里野餐 骑车漫游 大地回暖的气息 牛群哞哞的叫声 看着老鹰天空翱翔 看着鹿群田间嬉戏 艰苦的生活 用雪橇托运木材 through the heating season canoe on the river go picnicking in the woods take bicycle rides the smell of t


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