
小剂量米非司酮联合甲氨蝶呤经前4 d口服用于紧急避孕探究.doc

小剂量米非司酮联合甲氨蝶呤经前4 d口服用于紧急避孕探究.doc

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小剂量米非司酮联合甲氨蝶呤经前4 d口服用于紧急避孕探究

小剂量米非司酮联合甲氨蝶呤经前4 d口服用于紧急避孕探究[摘要] 目的:探讨小剂量米非司酮(25 mg)配伍小剂量甲氨蝶呤(5 mg)于经前4 d口服用于单次或多次性生活后紧急避孕的效果、副反应及可接受性。方法:选择单次或多次无保护性生活或避孕失败后自愿要求使用紧急避孕以防意外妊娠的健康妇女105例,于经前4 d口服米非司酮25 mg和甲氨蝶呤5 mg。结果:避孕有效率100%。月经延期17例,占14.0%;月经周期缩短6例,占5.7%。对经量无影响,对肝、肾功能及血象无明显影响,副反应轻。结论:该法有可能成为一种安全高效,不受性交时间、次数制约的新型紧急避孕方法。 [关键词] 米非司酮;甲氨蝶呤;紧急避孕 [中图分类号] R714.21 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)03(b)-053-02 Emergency contraception study of the small dose of mifepristone combining with MTX before 4 days in premenstruation LIANG Jing-ni,LIN Cui-fang, PANG Wen-xia,CHENHong,DING Shu-ying,LIN Zhi-guo,TAN Xiao-yan,WEN Qing-hua (The Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of People’s Hospital, Maoming City of Guangdong Province, Maoming525000,China) [Abstract] Objective: Investigating the small dosage of mifepristone(25 mg) and methotrexate(5 mg) which are taken orally before 4 days in premenstruation after single or many times sex life to measure the effect, by-reaction and acceptance of the postcoital contraception.Methods: For no protection in single or multiple sex life or after failure in contraception, the voluntary requested to use the urgent contraception guards against the accidental pregnancy. This kind of health woman,105 cases,took mifepristone(25 mg) and methotrexate(5 mg) orally in premenstruation before 4 days.Results:The contraception effectiveness was 100%. The menstrual cycle retardation,17cases, accounts for 14.0%.The menstruation reduction, 6 cases,accounts for 5.7%.No influence on the menstrual period and quantity. No obvious blood picture effect and by-reaction to the liver as well asto the kindney function. Conclusion: This method has the possibility to become a new kind of secure, urgent contraception method with high effectiveness and no restriction on sexual intercourse time and its times. [Key words] Mifepristone;Methotrexate;Emergency contraception 近年来,米非司酮作为紧急避孕药展示了极好的前景,小剂量单次口服对于一次性生活5 d内的紧急避孕效果已得到肯定[1],但其避孕率仅为74%~84%[2]。为进一步提高米非司酮紧急避孕的效果,不制约性交时间及次数,拓宽其使用时限,本研究依据小剂量


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