Biomechanics of fracture fixation:骨折固定的生物力学研究.ppt

Biomechanics of fracture fixation:骨折固定的生物力学研究.ppt

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Biomechanics of fracture fixation:骨折固定的生物力学研究

Treatment Non Operative Grade 1-3 Operative Grade 4-6 Conclusions Acute instability common in athletes Glenohumeral ACJ High level of function Early return to play Axillary or modified axillary view Apical oblique References Websites: The End Email: njco@ * * Anatomy diathrodial joint · has fibrocartilage intraarticular disc · Usually degenerative by 4th decade · Clavicle may lie superior normally- See more at: /adult/trauma/shoulder/acj-dislocation/anatomy.html#sthash.iqMghqCm.dpuf ? ? Stability of ACJ Coracoacromial ligaments Primary restraint to superior translation Primary suspensory ligament of upper limb Trapezoid Ligament Arises anterolateral on coracoid Inserts trapezoid ridge anterolateral to conoid Almost horizontal in sagittal plane PRIMARY restraint to AXIAL compression Conoid Ligament Arises posteromedial to trapezoid Inverted cone Inserts conoid tubercle Lies vertically PRIMARY restraint to SUPERIOR Anterior translation ACJ Capsule Strongest superiorly As reinforced by acromioclavicular ligament (strongest superiorly) Has incomplete fibrocartilage intra-articular disc arising from it Usually degenerates by 4th decade Deltotrapezial Fascia Dynamic stabiliser - * SICOT 2013 - Hyderabad Anatomy, diagnosis and classification of sports injuries in the shoulder Mr. Nnamdi Obi Specialist registrar United Kingdom Objectives Review anatomy of the shoulder Review history and examination Acute traumatic shoulder instability Introduction Instability Glenohumeral dislocation SLAP tears ACJ dislocation 30 YO male,Professional Rugby payer, first episode Anatomy Synovial ball and socket joint Articular surface covered with hyaline cartilage Glenoid cavity deepened by labrum Articulations Rotator cuff Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres Minor Subscapularis Ligaments Glenohumeral Superior Glenohumeral ligament Middle Glenohumeral Ligament Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament Shoulder girdle Coraco clavicular ACJ proper Ac


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