
人教版小学英语第四册《The Teaching Plan Of》教案.doc

人教版小学英语第四册《The Teaching Plan Of》教案.doc

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人教版小学英语第四册《The Teaching Plan Of》教案

教学设计(人教版第四册) 人教版小学英语第四册《The Teaching Plan Of》教案 Lesson 28 教学内容分析: 本单元紧紧围绕与学生生活实际---课外生活及兴趣爱好的话题开展,在学习了本单元2、3课之后,学生要进一步深入学习表达个人的爱好及擅长的项目,从而自如地运用“Are you good at ?” I’m good at. 本课时为一课时,纵观教材,该课时是前一课的延伸、拓展,并为后面的课的学习作好铺垫,该课具有承上启下的作用。因此,本课时具有重要的地位。该课时的话题中牵涉了运动,在教学中可适当渗透2008奥运会的精神,激发学生的爱国之情,从而育德育于教学中。 学生学习情况分析: 我区小学从三年级开始开设英语,经过一学期多的英语学习,学生积累了一定的学习经验和英语学习意识,具备了一定的知识和技能,掌握了一定的听、说、读、写能力,具有浓厚的英语学习兴趣,他们生性活泼、好动、好表现,喜欢游戏,乐于参与和表演,求知欲旺盛所以这一节课创设一定的情境,让学生在情境中学习,多种教学手段交替使用,尽量利用实物、图片以及课件等直观教具进行教学,使学生始终处于新鲜、求知欲旺盛、学习情绪高涨的氛围之中。Teaching demands : 1、 Target language: ( Can express the following sentences) Are you good at swimming? I’m good at it. I’ll go swimming. I’ll go with you. 2、 Can phone the others initially. 3、 Grasp the following words: swimming/ roller skating/skateboarding( Can listen, speak and say.) swimming/skating( Can listen, speak, say and write) Key points and emphasis: Can express the following sentences fluently: Are you good at ? I’m good at. Can speak ,say and write the following words: swimming, skating Emotional effect and cultural link: 1、Let the children know we should love sports and love our lives. 2、let the children know the hobbies of the foreign children. Teaching aids: A recorder, a computer, some slides ,a life buoy, roller-skates , a skateboard and some cards. Teaching steps: Step1 Warm up (about 3 minutes) 1、Sing a song. T:Hello!Children,let’s do the morning exercises and do the actions ,OK? S:Ok.  (Sing the song while doing the actions) 2、Make dialogues with Ss: T: Boys and girls, tell me: Do you like the morning exercises ? Ss:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (Ask individual student) T: Are you interested in doing the morning exercises? S1:Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. T:What are you interested in? S1:I’m interested in…. (Ask more students to answer the questions)  (设计意图:通过英语歌曲,边热身边唱歌,使学生注意力集中到课堂上,营造良好的学习氛围,并通过与学生的对话,既复习旧知识,又为新课教学作了铺垫。) Step2 Presentation (about 15 minutes) 1、Present the new words like this: (Ask the whol


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