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The Coolness in Boys 你身上穿着最时髦的牛仔裤,手里拿着最新款的手机,MP3里面听的是最流行的曲目,自认为朋友中你最帅…… 这样你就是你们班第一酷男啦?别让加拿大酷哥Tim和美国辣姐Wendy笑掉大牙哦—— ?I’ve always wondered if I was a cool boy when I was in middle school. I think I was. Back then, my friends and I had a lot of good times. We learned how to make our own fun and laugh a lot. My friends from back then are still my friends today, which is very cool. ?Coolness is not something that comes and goes, like cloudy days and rainy weather. Coolness is something a boy learns as he grows up, by being himself, by making his own decisions and by being true and helpful to his friends. ?Coolness is not about being the loudest, the most popular, having the most friends, the best grades or the latest clothes. Coolness is about having confidence in oneself. A boy will never be cool if he doesn’t learn to like himself. ?Coolness is not about always thinking who is cool and who is not, it is about finding what is special about each and every person. ?Coolness is not about saying the things that everybody wants to hear when you know they are not true. Coolness is about being honest all the time. ?Coolness is not something that other people can decide for you — it is something you have to decide for yourself. ?To be or not to be cool, that is the question. It is a question that boys must answer for themselves. (word count: 230) The Man/Woman in the Moon 今天晚饭后,无论如何一定一定要打开窗子,仰望天空啊:今晚的月亮会特别圆、特别亮、特别皎洁,特别特别诗情画意——中秋节快乐! I love the moon. I love looking at the full moon. It shines big, round and yellow at this time of year. In North America the autumn full moon is called the “harvest moon”. Autumn is the time of year that farmers harvest their crops; seeing the big harvest moon lets them know that the hard work of the summer is over, so many feel that this moon is special. ?My grandfather was a farmer. I remember being with him when I was seven years old. That year, the harvest moon rose and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It seemed so close that


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