
加拿大多伦多大学教材 第三章公平就业机会和工作场所安全.ppt

加拿大多伦多大学教材 第三章公平就业机会和工作场所安全.ppt

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加拿大多伦多大学教材 第三章公平就业机会和工作场所安全

第三章 提供公平就业机会 和安全的工作场所 Chapter Three Providing Equal Employment Opportunity and a Safe Workplace 我们需要知道些什么? 解释政府的三个部门是如何规制人力资源管理的 总结主要的关于平等就业机会的联邦法律 识别致力于平等就业机会的联邦机构 描述雇主避免非法歧视和提供合理便利条件的方法 定义性骚扰和雇主消除或减少性骚扰事件的方法 解释雇主在职业安全和健康方面应担负的责任. 描述职业安全和健康管理局所扮演的角色 讨论雇主提高员工安全和健康待遇的方法 What do I Need to Know? Explain how the three branches of government regulate human resource management. Summarize the major federal laws requiring equal employment opportunity. Identify the federal agencies that enforce equal employment opportunity and describe the role of each. Describe ways employers can avoid illegal discrimination and provide reasonable accommodation. Define sexual harassment and tell how employers can eliminate or minimize it. Explain employers’ duties under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Describe the role of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Discuss ways employers promote worker safety and health. 简 介 美国联邦政府对组织人力资源管理的方法实施了部分规制 这些规制包括要求雇主: 防止在雇佣中出现歧视 保护在职员工的安全和健康 巧妙运用这些法规的公司可以获得竞争优势击败竞争对手 Introduction In the United States, the federal government has set some limits on how an organization can practice human resource management. Among these limits are requirements intended to: Prevent discrimination in hiring and employment practices Protect the safety and health of workers while they are on the job Companies that skillfully navigate the maze of regulations can gain an advantage over competitors. 人力资源管理法规 有三个政府部门在创造人力资源管理法制环境中担当重要角色 立法机构 国会两院 控制人力资源管理活动的现行法律 执行机构 包括很多管理机构 执行国会通过的法律 司法机构 联邦司法系统 解释法律 把握审判 总统行政令 直接由总统颁布 Regulation of Human Resource Management All three branches of the government play an important role in creating a legal environment for human resource management. Legislative Two houses of Congress Enacted laws governing HR activities Executive Includes many regulatory agencies Enforces laws passed by Congress Judicial Federal court system Interprets law Holds trials Executive orders are directives i


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