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KB常用板材标准 产品技术资料 TECHNICAL INFORMATION KB KB-6160/6160A/6160C(ANSI:FR-4) 覆铜箔环氧玻纤布层压板 Features 特点 ● 兼容紫外光阻挡及光学自动检查功能,可提高PCB 生产效率与准确性 UVB and AOI (automatic optical inspection) compatible, so as to increase productivity and accuracy. ● 优良的耐热性能和机械性能 Excellent heat resistance and mechanical properties ● 符合IPC-4101C/21 的规范要求 IPC-4101C/21 specification is applicable. General Properties 一般特性 Test Item 测试项目 Unit 单位 Test Method (IPC-TM-650) 测试方法 Test Condition 处理条件 Specification (IPC-4101C) 规格值 Typical Value 典型值 Peel Strength (1 oz.) 2.4.8 125℃ ≥0.70 1.70 铜箔剥离强度 N/mm Float 288℃ / 10 Sec ≥1.05 1.75 Thermal Stress 热应力 Sec Float288℃/unetched ≥10 180 Bow / Twist 弯弓度/翘曲度 % A ≤ 1.0 0.17 / 0.35 Flexural Strength Warp ≥415 565 抗弯强度 N/mm2 2.4.4 Fill ≥345 416 Flammability 燃烧性 Rating UL94 UL94 UL94 V-0 V-0 Glass Transition (Tg) 玻璃化转变温度 ℃ 2.4.25 E-2/105 DSC ≥130 135 Surface Resistivity 表面电阻 M. C-96/35/90 ≥1.0×104 1.0×106 Volume Resistivity 体积电阻 M.-cm C-96/35/90 ≥1.0×106 1.0×108 Dielectric Constant 介电常数 — ?Etched/@1?MHZ ≤5.4 4.58 Loss Tangent 介质损耗 — ?Etched/@1?MHZ ≤0.035 0.022 Arc Resistance 耐电弧性 Sec 2.5.1 D-48/50+D-0.5/23 ≥60 125 Moisture Absorption % ≤0.35(min0.51mm) 0.21 吸水率 D-24/23 ≤0.80(max0.51mm) 0.19 Z-Axis Expansion Z-轴热膨胀系数 ppm/℃ 2.4.24 E-2/105 TMA — 58/286 TD ℃ TGA —— 305 T-260 min TMA —— 10 Remarks: Typical values for reference only 注:典型值只作参考Specimen Thickness: 1.6 mm 1/1 样品厚度:1.6 mm 1/1 A = Keep the specimen originally without any process 保持原样,不作处理 C = Temperature and humidity conditioning 在恒温恒湿的空气中处理; D = Temperature conditioning immersion in distilled water. 浸在恒温的水中处理 E = Immersing in distilled water with temperature control 在恒温的空气中处理; Speciality Chart 板材特性图 KB KB-6160/6160A/6160C(ANSI:FR-4) 覆铜箔环氧玻纤布层压板 UV blocking (thickness) UV 阻挡 UV blocking (wave / UV-3100) Thermal expansion of Z-direction (test by TMA) Dielectric constant 介电常数 Applications 应用领域 ● Computer, communication equipment, instrument, OA equipment, etc. 计算机及外围设备、通讯设备、仪器仪表、办公自动设备等 采购信息Purchasing Informatio


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