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On Characteristics of English Euphemism Thesis Statement: Various characteristics exsit in English euphemism for avoiding or softening coarse and unpleasantness. Ⅰ.Introduction. Ⅱ.The Origin and Definition of Euphemism Ⅲ.The Characteristics of English Euphemism A. Universality B. Localization C. Contemporaneity D. Language Territory E. National Characteristic F. Having division of the sentimental color G. Having life H. Sociality I. Re-symbolism J. Arbitration K. Relevance and Indirect L. The English Euphemism of Idiom and Temporary M. Fuzziness N. Humorous O. Accuracy Ⅳ.Conclusion Abstract: Euphemism which is in order to avoid coarse or taboos, exsits in every culture and society. For learning the culture of English deeply, this thesis mainly talk about the origin, definition, and characteristics of English from the angle of culture. Key words: English Euphemism substitute express 论英语委婉语的特点 摘要:在任何文化和社会中都存在一些为避免粗俗或避免禁忌的委婉语。为加深对英语文化的学习,本文从文化的角度对英语委婉语的起源,定义与特点作了初步的探讨。 关键词:英语 委婉语 替代 表达 On Characteristics of English Euphemism 1. Introduction In every society there are many things or taboos can not be spoken or mentioned directly,thus,people use some substitutions to express.They are called euphemism. Euphemism is deeply inserted in language,our daily life and work. Along with unceasingly enhancenent of social civilization, speech skill and good interpersonal relationship also more and more profoundly effect peoples life, thus, in the language more and more euphemisms will be produced. Therefore ,it has very important practice significance and practical significance to the euphemism research. But only carefully research the characteristics of euphemism can understand it more accurately, and use it properly. 2. The Origin and Definition of Euphemism English euphemism has a long history,many euphemism words come from The Bible .And in The Canterbury Tal


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