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摘 要 现在的实验教学网络管理系统存在实验题目分发慢,文档交换不方便,师生交流困难等方面的问题。为了解决现有系统的这些问题,特开发新的实验教学网络管理系统。 作者以实际应用为开发背景,运用软件工程原理和开发方法,采用当前网络开发主流技术,结合JSP和SQL数据库技术,设计并开发了一个基于B/S模式的实验教学管理系统。首先对开发系统进行了需求分析,得到系统功能需求、数据流图和数据字典。随后对系统进行了概要设计和详细设计,在概要设计中主要进行了系统功能模块划分,将系统划分为了管理员控制模块、教师控制模块和学生控制模块三大模块,其中管理员的权限包括对新教师和新学生的注册,对新管理员的注册和对实验题目的审批;教师的权限包括实验题目的申请,学生实验结果的查看,回答学生提问;学生权限包括选择实验题目,上传实验结果和向教师提问。概要设计中还进行了系统总体结构设计,系统数据结构设计,系统安全设计等。详细设计主要包括系统数据库访问的实现,主要功能模块的具体实现,模块实现关键代码等。最后对系统进行了功能测试,并对测试结果进行了分析,在总结、分析的基础上,指出了系统存在的不足及需要改进的地方,为今后开发类似系统提供借鉴和帮助。 本系统界面友好,操作方便,能够基本满足实验教学管理的要求。 关键词:实验教学管理系统;JSP;三层结构 Abstract The recent Experiment Education Web Management System have many problems, such as the deal out of the subjects was very slow, the exchange of documents was inconvenient ,the communication between students and teachers was very hard, and so on. This new system was developed to solve these problems. The author takes the development of practical applications as background, uses software engineering principles, development methods and the current mainstream network technology, combines the JSP and SQL Server technique, designs and develops this experiment teaching management system based on B/S models. The author first makes the needs analysis, data flow charts and data dictionary of the system. Then the author makes outline system design and detailed design. Outline design mainly includes dividing the system functional modules, this system has three main models: administer control model, teacher control model, student control model. Administers can add new administers, students and teachers. They can also check and approve experiments. Teachers can apply for new experiments, check the results of experiments that the students upload and answer the student’s questions. Students can select experiment subjects, upload their experiment results and also can ask questions the have in the experiments. The outline design also includes overall structure of the system design, system data structure design,system securi


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