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Lesson 13 万圣节 consist consist of The flat consists two rooms, one kitchen and one bathroom. be made up of be composed of America is composed of 50 states. sheet 量词 a sheet of paper a sheet of bullets 枪林弹雨 rain in sheets 瓢泼大雨 pace n. 节奏 keep pace with … 跟上。。。 It’s important for a firm to keep pace with changes in the market. set the pace 树立榜样 Lesson 14 “宁愿” 有多少? would rather do sth. than do/ doing sth. would prefer to do…than do… would prefer doing..to doing… would rather = would sooner + that 宾语从句 时态为过去式,表示虚拟 I would rather that you were not here. I would rather that I didn’t see you. He would rather that he didn’t hear the news. Lesson 15 appreciate : understand and value highly appreciate the picture/ poem appreciative adj. be appreciative of sth. 我万分感激你的慷慨大方。 I appreciate your generosity. I am most appreciative your generosity. pocket money pocket adj./ v. pocket one’s dignity 收起自尊 为了生活,我们不得不收起我们的自尊 We have to pocket our dignity in order to make a living. thrifty economical frugal 和尚过着节衣缩食的生活 吝啬的 mean/ stingy/ miserly/ tight bounce He bounced the baby on his knees. v. 弹起,弹跳 jump, leap, hop, spring, skip 他从座位上跳了起来 He sprang (up) from his seat. spring back 弹回 那树枝忽然间弹回来打在我的脸上 The branch sprang back and hit me in the face. rebound v. n. 弹回 球从墙上弹回到池塘里。 The ball rebounded from the wall into pond. rebound on / upon sb. 自作自受 他的谎言使他自食其果,因为没人相信他了 His lies rebounded on himself because nobody trusted him any more. special difficulty: the use of up 1. 向上 look up , stand up, get up, roll up, climb up 2. 沿着 Smokes goes up the chimney. 3. 表示动作完成 fill up 装满,burn up 烧光,eat up 吃完, build up 建成, warp up 包好 ,do up 扎紧 Lesson 16 prize n. v. adj. invaluable priceless worthless valueless accuse accuse sb. of sth. He was accused of robbing a bank. accusation n. make an accusation against sb. = charge sb. with sth. 被告 defendant 原告 plaintiff Lesson 17 1.suspension n. 悬,吊 e.g. suspension bridge 吊桥 suspend: v. a悬挂 hang up e.g. The TV set is suspendin


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