[英语学习]新概念英语第一册讲义 Lesson 67-70.ppt

[英语学习]新概念英语第一册讲义 Lesson 67-70.ppt

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[英语学习]新概念英语第一册讲义 Lesson 67-70

学习步骤: 1,新单词学习 2,课文的讲解以及阅读 3,现场演示 4,问答环节 5,关键知识点的讲解 Lesson?69:The?car?race?汽车比赛 There is a car race near our town every year. In 1995, there was a very big race. There were hundreds of people there. My wife and I were at the race. Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too. You can see us in the crowd. We are standing on the left. There were twenty cars in the race. There were English cars, French cares, German cars. Italian cars. American cars and Japanese cars. It was an exciting finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car number fifteen. Five other cars were just behind him. On the way home, my wife said to me, Dont drive so quickly! Youre not Billy Stewart! Year n.?? 年 Race n.?? 比赛 Town n.?? 城填 Crowd n.?? 人群 Stand v.?? 站立 Exciting adj. 使人激动的 ?just adv. 正好,恰好 ?finish n.?? 结尾,结束 ?winner n.?? 获胜者 ?behind prep.在……之后 ?way n.?? 路途 Year的用法 1、year (1)在不同时态的用法 ①现在时用 every year ( 年年、每年) ②进行时用 this year (今年) ③过去进用 last year (去年) 统称为时间副词短语。 ④将来时用 next year (明年) ⑤完成时用 for a year (为期一年) (2)in a year 在一年之内 例句:Today is the coolest in a year. (3)数词+years + old 多大年纪 例句:He is 9 years old . Race的用法 2、race 可数名词“比赛” (1)名词单数 + race …比赛(竞赛)horse race / car race / bicycle race (2)be + in the race 参加比赛(可用于人或物) (3)be + at the race 观看比赛(只用于人)例句:My wife and I were at the car race yesterday .例句:Were you in the horse race last Monday .例句:My father’s car was in the car race yesterday. (4)近义词match 比赛(球类赛)(n.火柴)例句:I am watching the football match. (5)综合比赛用 game 小型的运动会(学校等非正式的)sports meeting 3、town (1)不可数名词 be in town 在城里 (2)可数名词,指一个小镇。 例句:My mother lives in a small town . (3)当可数名词用时,对应的是否village.当不可数名词用时,对应的是否country. in the country 在乡下 4、crowd (1)集体名词“人群”,单数名词表示一堆(一类)人,动词用复数。例句:The crowd are noisy .人群很吵闹。 Our class are hard working . (2)量词 a crowd of + 人 一群人(只表示人) (3)in the crowd 在人群里 例句:I can see you in the crow


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