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数据库课程设计报告 设计题目: 固定资产管理系统 专  业: 班  级: 学  号: 姓  名: 指导老师: 日  期: 成 绩: 固定资产管理系统 摘 要 一直以来,大部分中小型企业都还在使用传统的人工方式管理公司的固定资产信息。这种管理方式存在着许多缺点,如效率低、保密性差等。另外,随着时间的增长,将产生大量的文件和数据,会给以后的查找、更新和维护带来很大的困难。 “固定资产管理”数据库,顾名思义,是用于管理公司固定资产的数据库系统。用户可以通过该数据库,实现对固定资产的详细统计、计提折旧和后续支出等信息进行管理。它与手工管理方式相比,具有查找、统计和更新方便,准确性高,保密性好,以及节省时间等优势。 本文首先阐述了本研究与开发固定资产管理系统的背景、目的和意义;根据实际地的查研究,分析了系统所需要的处理的信息、所要具备的功能以及系统的性能要求;在分析的基础上进行了系统运行平台设计、功能结构设计、数据库设计等;最后对本系的特点和存在的问题进行了简要地分析。 关键字:固定资产;管理;数据库 Asset management system Abstract All along, the majority of small and medium enterprises are still using the traditional manual management of the companys fixed asset information. This management has many shortcomings, such as low efficiency, poor confidentiality. In addition, the growth over time will produce a large number of documents and data, that will have a great deal of difficulty for find, update and maintain later. Fixed Assets Management database, as the name implies, is used to manage the companys fixed assets database system. The database users can realize the fixed assets detailed statistics, depreciation and subsequent expenses and other information management. Compared with manual management mode, it has many advantages ,such as search, statistics and update convenient, high accuracy, confidentiality, and save time. This paper describes the background, purpose and significance of the research and development of fixed assets management system; according to research actually checked, analyzed the information processing system needed to be with features and performance requirements of the system; the basis of the analysis of carried out on the operating system platform design, functional design, database design; Finally, the characteristics and problems of this system are briefly analyzed. Keywords:ixed assets ;management; database 目 录 摘要


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