
寄宿与非寄宿制小学生自尊和孤独感的现状研究——以绵阳地区为例-study on the present situation of self-esteem and loneliness of boarding and non-boarding pupils - a case study of mianyang area.docx

寄宿与非寄宿制小学生自尊和孤独感的现状研究——以绵阳地区为例-study on the present situation of self-esteem and loneliness of boarding and non-boarding pupils - a case study of mianyang area.docx

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寄宿与非寄宿制小学生自尊和孤独感的现状研究——以绵阳地区为例-study on the present situation of self-esteem and loneliness of boarding and non-boarding pupils - a case study of mianyang area

自尊的学校差异也不同,四年级和五年级学生自尊的学校差异不显著,倪六年 级学生自尊的学校楚异显著。创!叶F!@R4.小学生孤独感的学校差异显著。间…性别组的小学生孤独感的学校差异 不间,男生孤独感的学校差异显著,而女生差异不显著:同一年级组的小学生 孤独感的学校差异皆不显著。5. 小学生的自尊与孤独感是显著负相关,孤独感肘自尊有很好的预测作V用。关键询:寄宿制非寄宿制小学生自尊孤独感1#4胁1A Study on the Status of Self.帽esteem and Aloneness of Pupils in both Boarding and None-boarding Schools‘叮………。n Example from Mianyang Region可4Major: Developmental and Educational Psychology Graduate student: Zan MinSupervisor:Zhang HaoAbstract: Wi曲也e progress and development of the 伽ne,也e quality r吨uirements to the talents by human society 町e not only on physically strong andh创出y,professional solid,but more on stable and healthy mentality. Likesubj时tive ex.periences ,the self二esteem and aloneness also 町ebo由affected by 也e social,culture and environment faω:ors which are the important indicators of childrens psychological health. The peculiar running model of boarding school mak础。bjective diffi缸ences of study life between boarding schools andnone-boarding schools and 伽is thesis 阳n provide scientific and useful infonnationfor 伽e two types of school educa悦。n wi也 research and ωmparison 也e status quos and charact田istics of pupils self-esteem and aloneness. Meanwhile,it also ωn、push 由e mental health 创ucation efforts in diffi町ent schools ωmake 也e pupils grow 1咿 in a healthy and s衍。ng way,no ma忧er how different 也e living andris阳d抖ng environments they are in.This thesis is bωedon 伽Questionnaire survey from 548 pupils who are 沪沪沪阴de of 4 boarding and none-boarding schools in Mianyang,with the ‘scale of children selι制制mand ‘sωle of children aloneness. The data were SO此。dand statistically ana1ys叫. Subs叫uently,we did Semi-structured int时views wi也 8IIIteachers and 12 studen阳仕om 也ese four schools,and we make 伽e fol1owing conclusions with the data analysis and 由。 ωntents of int町views:on self-esteem ,也e bo缸ding school pupils has no obvious gender difference but significant grade differences,and the level of self-esteem in fifthgrade is si伊ificant higher



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