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   英语谚语中的比喻修辞 The Tropes in English Proverbs Abstract All know English proverbs are charming. Proverbs are widespread. /d-412218391.html They simple but meaningful. They are vivid and humour, which they are the typical of aesthetic rhetoric and represents treasure of English language. They are wisdom of English people. Using rhetoric is an important reason why the English are charming. Among them, the tropes are the most common rhetoric. , I analyze the tropes in English proverbs in this paper. Tropes can be into simile, metaphor, analogy, allegory, metonymy and synecdoche. This focuses on simile, metaphor and synecdoche. paper is divided into four chapters. They are introduction, literature review, and conclusion. The first chapter introduces the tropes of English proverbs. second chapter makes a simple introduction about the importance of the tropes in proverbs. Then this paper makes a brief analysis of the simile, metaphor and in English proverbs. It includes their definition, structure and semantic . The article lists lots of examples to explain them. Sometimes they are in Chinese to make readers understand easily. The final chapter concludes thesis. article helps us understand the meaning of the tropes in English proverb. If can understand the semantic effect in English proverbs, we can comprehend and these English proverbs better than before. Key words: English proverbs; tropes; simile; metaphor; synecdoche 摘要 英语谚语具有永恒的魅力,英语谚语内容十分广泛,且具有言少意多、言浅 意深、生动形象、幽默风趣、观点鲜明等特点,是美学修辞的典范,是英语语言 的瑰宝,是英语民族智慧的结晶。其中修辞格的广泛运用是其魅力的一个重要原 因,比喻又是最常用的修辞手法。因此在本文中,我详细介绍了英语谚语中比喻 修辞的手法并分析。比喻可分为明喻、暗喻、借喻、讽喻、换喻和提喻。本文主 要就比喻中的明喻、暗喻、提喻修辞进行深入探讨。 本 文共分四章。其中第一章对英语谚语的修辞手法做了简单介绍。第二章介 绍了英语谚语以及修辞的背景。第三章分别对明喻、暗喻、提喻进行分析,包括 他们的定义,结构以及引起的语义效果。文中列举了大量例子来佐证这几种比喻 手法,并进行了详细的分析,并在其中穿插了中文解释,帮助我们更容易理解这 些谚语的意义。最后,总结全文, 这篇文章帮助我们理解了英语谚语中比喻修辞手法的涵义,如果我们能理解 这些修辞手法在谚语中引起的效果,那么我们也能更好的理解和应用这些


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