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临床医学专业康复方向班的设置对医学生就业影响的调查研究   摘 要: 目的 探讨我校三年制专科层次临床医学专业设置康复医学方向班对医学生就业的影响。方法 通过对临床医学专业康复方向班的毕业生采用问卷调查、座谈的方式进行调研,了解毕业生的就业择业(包括就业地区、就业单位、就业专业)情况,就业满意度,评估康复方向班的设置对学生就业的影响。结果 调查结果显示学生就业意向主要集中在大城市二级医院临床与康复专业,实际就业地点主要集中在县区,从事临床专业与康复专业的学生各占49%与37%,学生就业满意度为82%。结论 在我校临床医学专业设置康复方向班有利于促进学生就业择业,值得推广应用。   关键词:临床医学专业 康复方向班 就业   The Investigation and Research of the Effect of Medical Students Employment of the Rehabilitation Direction Class Setting in Clinical Medicine Specialty   LIU Ying-ying.   Department of Medicine Luo He Medical College HeNan Luohe 462002, China   abstract: objective To explore the effect of the employment for medical students of the setting of rehabilitation direction medicine class in three-year junior level of clinical medicine specialty. Methods. By investigation and research for graduates of clinical medicine professional rehabilitation direction in the form of questionnaire and discussion of the research, to understand the employment of graduates employment (including employment areas and employment units, the employment of professional), job satisfaction, to evaluate the influence on students employment that rehabilitation direction class setting. Results The survey found that students employment intention mainly concentrated in the big city, secondary hospital, clinical and rehabilitation professionals, the actual job site mainly concentrated in the county, the job that they engaged in clinical professional and rehabilitation professional students accounted for 49% and 49%, respectively. The students employment satisfaction was 82%. Conclusion The rehabilitation direction class setting in clinical medical specialty is beneficial to promote students employment career, is worthy of popularization and application.   key words: clinical medical specialty; general medicine direction class; employment; comprehensive ability   中?D分类号:R197 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9082(2016)12-0201-02   目前我国人民生活质量显著提高,但是健康意识,尤其饮食健康意识未充分重视,造成普遍人群营养过剩,心脑血管疾病高发,尤其脑血管病高发,危害大,


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