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课件描述: 先谈论他们已体验到的或是期待中的高中生活,从学校设施、在校时间安排、学习任务、和教师和同学的关系、课外活动等方面引导学生作出相关表达。之后再引导学生观察图片,了解英国学校的方方面面。在此基础上,通过列表的形式比较中英两国学校生活的差异,最后导出让学生设计自己心目中理想的学校。 Brainstorming What is school life like in Senior High? School facilities School hours Learning task Teachers and classmate After-school activities … Discuss and compare Group work 1. Design an ideal school, which should cover at least three aspects of the following: School facilities/ School hours Learning task Teachers and classmate After-school activities 2. Present your ideal schools. 课件描述: 让学生在阅读过程中使用skimming理解文章大意,用scanning 获取细节信息,之后再对文章作综合回顾。然后,引导学生换个角度,从英国学生的角度来看待中国的学校生活,模仿课文,从不同的方面介绍中国的校园生活。 Brainstorming What would you enjoy most in a UK school? Part C2: 1. According to the headmaster, what should the student spend much time on? 2. Why was it a struggle for Wei Hua to remember the names of her classmates? 3. Why did Wei Hua find her homework difficult at first? 4. Who gave Wei Hua a lot of support in her studies? 5. How did Wei Hua manage to improve her English? 6. What do the British like eating at the end of dinner? Homework 1. Part E 2. Revise the passage and prepare for an interview with Wei Hua. 课件描述: 本课按照单词、词组、句型设计,课本主要词汇attend, miss, experience,devote, look back on通过幻灯片重点讲解; enjoyable, average, earn, challenging, extra, for free, used to, 等以填空的形式呈现,相关短语教师口头陈述,学生举例运用。最后模仿动名词作主语。用所学词汇编故事。 Suppose you have a chance to interview Wei Hua … 3. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. win/earn/gain the respect of sb. 赢得某人的尊重 have a deep respect for sb. 深深敬重某人 respect sb. for doing sth. 因为……而尊敬某人 Practice: The teacher earn the respect of the students for his devotion to education.(赢得学生的尊重) 4.devote look back on 回忆、回顾 look back on 回忆、回顾 (to think about something that happened in the past) Practice: 1.When I ________________those days, I realize I was very unhappy. 当我


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