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华中师范大学 硕士学位论文 高中英语教学中文化意识的培养 姓名:汪清洁 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:学科教学·英语 指导教师:张强硕士学位论文 、1\¨ER’S  中文摘要 语言是文化的载体,学习语言的过程也应该是学习语言文化的过程。只有真 正理解了语言中所包含的文化涵义,才能够真正掌握--17语言。所以,从语言学 的角度讲,教-N语言也是教一种文化,学一门语言也是学一种文化。高中英语 的教学目的是培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。交际能力不仅包括语言能力, 而且包括对与语言使用密切相关的社会文化因素充分了解和掌握的文化能力。这 就要求英语老师在教学中要加强对学生文化意识的培养。然而在我国的高中英语 教学中,文化知识的输入问题还没有得到广大师生足够的重视,师生文化意识薄 弱。 针对高中英语教学中的现状,本文作者根据自己的亲身实践,力图探索出一条 注重文化意识培养的教学之路:充分利用课堂教学活动和课外活动,在对学生进 行语;,能力培养的同时,加强对学生文化能力的培养。作者并把本人在教学中探 索出的方法用于教学之中,使这些方法得到具体的实施和验证。实践证明,注重 文化意识培养的教学更利于学生的语言学习和交际能力的提高。 关键词:语言;文化;文化意识;培养 Abstract Language is the carrier of culture.The process of learning  foreign language should bc the process of learning the cultural  of this language at the same time.We may really master  foreign language only when we  understand its cultural connotation.From the perspective ofcultural linguistics,to teach  language is to teach another culture,and  learn language,learn another culture. One of the major purposes of SEFC is to cultivate students’communicative competence in English.Communicative competence contains both language competence and cultural competence,which is subjected to quite  few social and cultural factors,Thus English teachers should make great efforts to cultivate students’ cultural awareness.However,in SEFC teaching practice,little attention has been paid to the cultural connotation of the Language;bom teachers and students  all poor in culturaI awareness. In view ofthe  situation in SEFC teaching practice,the writer ofthis paper is about  explore the principles and methods of the culture—loaded teaching;In the hope of finding the way  cultivate students’cultural awareness and corrammicative competence along with students’linguistic competence,the writer has also carried some experiments through her own teaching practice  to it that these methods  applicable and efficient.The experiments show that culture-loaded teaching helps students develop bo


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