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大载荷金属橡胶减振器有限元分析及轻量化设计 摘 要 金属橡胶减振器作为大功率柴油机的悬置元件,具有承载能力强、阻尼系数大、耐 高低温、抗腐蚀以及寿命长的优点,满足大功率柴油机的恶劣的使用环境。随着车辆机 动性要求和轻量化的需要,开展对其轻量化研究十分有必要。 本文通过采用高强度、低密度和防腐蚀的铝合金材料替代原 C45 材料实现减振器的 轻量化。运用 CATIA 软件以减振器结构件几何尺寸参数为基础分别建立结构件轴、座 和盖的几何实体模型,把几何模型导入有限元分析软件 HyperWorks 中,通过对模型进 行几何清理、有限元网格的划分以及边界条件等处理建立减振器结构件的有限元分析模 型,并对减振器结构件进行静强度特性分析,分析结构件的应力变形分布,找到结构的 薄弱位置(这些位置包括有应力集中、出现过失效、最大应力处等)。在满足减振器结 构强度的情况下,对减振器部件进行了设计,结果表明:通过改进的减振器部件总质量 减轻了 70.58%,应力集中显著减小。 基于精密成型的方法设计了减振器部件的热挤压模具,对工艺流程、毛坯规格的选 择以及结构件轴、座和盖的模具进行了研究设计。分析结果表明:相对传统加工方法, 采用热挤压成型不仅提高了减振器结构件的力学性能,材料的消耗率也大大降低。 关键词:弹性支承,轻量化,精密成型,热挤压,有限元 Finite Element Analysis and Lightweight Design of Heavy Load Metal Rubber Damper Abstract Metal rubber damper as suspension components on the high-power diesel engine, which has more advantages, such as load-bearing capacity, big damping coefficient, high and low temperature resistance, good resistance corrosion, long use life, and meets the requirements of large power diesel engine in harsh conditions. With the need for vehicle maneuverability and lightweight, it is very necessary for lightweight research of metal rubber damper. Through utilization of high-strength, low density aluminum replace raw material to achieve damper lightweight. Basing on damper structure geometry parameters to establish the shaft, seat and lid solid model with CATIA, the geometric model import HyperWorks toestablish finite element analysis mode of damper structurethrough geometry cleanup, meshing and boundary conditions etc. Analysis the stress of Damper, then applied loads and constraints on the finite element analysis model, to separately analysis static strength characteristic of damper parts, including stress and strain distribution of structures and the weak position of the structure (including stress concentration, there have been failures and the maximum stress point, etc.). The improvement of the design of the damper parts which meets the requirement of damper structural strength. Analysis showed that reduction 70.58%



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