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I I 摘 要 摘 要 茅盾是我国优秀的老一辈翻译家,无论是翻译实践还是翻译思想,都成绩斐然。他 生前翻译出版译作达40余种,涉及30多个国家的150多位作家,译作题材多种多样,包 括诗歌、戏剧、小说、散文、社会评论、马列著作等方面,数量之大,涉及作家、国家 之多,在我国翻译界少有匹敌。在翻译实践的基础上,茅盾先生进行了翻译思想和理论 方面的总结和探索,发表翻译论文20多篇,深刻、广泛地分析探讨了文学翻译理论问题, 关于文学翻译标准和方法、文学翻译目的与意义、译者素质等问题,提出了许多建设性 的意见和建议,为我国的翻译事业做出了突出贡献。 本文作者广泛搜集了有关茅盾先生的资料,以及关于其翻译实践和翻译思想理论的 文章,并进行了深入钻研,在此基础上,试图对茅盾先生的翻译活动和翻译思想做一个 系统、全面地归纳和总结。本文主要论述了茅盾走上翻译道路的起源、翻译事业的成就 和特点及其主要翻译思想;再从社会性因素的角度切入,分析了茅盾的翻译实践,指出其 翻译活动因为多种社会因素的存在和影响,使其翻译具有一定的社会功利性,这也是茅 盾翻译的一个显著特点。然后,本文分析了茅盾翻译思想对其翻译实践的影响,并且以 此为基础,茅盾提出了文学翻译批评。 茅盾的翻译实践和翻译理论无论是在当时还是现在都对我国的文学翻译事业起到 了重要的指导作用,为我国的翻译事业做出了巨大贡献。本文研究的目的旨在全面地梳 理茅盾的翻译实践活动、提炼其翻译思想的精华,以唤起译界对茅盾翻译研究的关注, 为当代译者的翻译实践提供一定的参照和指导。 关键词 翻译家 茅盾 翻译实践 翻译理论 II II Abstract Abstract Mao Dun, a twentieth-century Chinese novelist, exerted considerable influence on the development of the translation undertakings with fruitful achievements in both translation thoughts and translation practice. During his lifetime, he translated over 40 kinds of literary works, covering more than 150 writers from about 30 countries and these translation achievements involve several types, including poetry, drama, fiction, essay, social critique and Marxism-Leninism works. With the large quantity and extensive subjects, Mao Dun’s translation accomplishment is quite remarkable. Based on his translation practice, Mao Dun summarized his translation ideas and explored some translation theories. He published more than 20 translation theses that intensively and penetratingly explored many issues concerning criteria and methods of literary translation, purpose and significance of literary translation and requirements on translators. Mao Dun postulated many instructive opinions, and made much contribution to translation in China. In light of the extensive collection of findings and information about Mao Dun and the study of both his translation practice and translation theory, the present paper aims to give a systematic and comprehensive research on Mao Dun’s translation practice and



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