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河北工业大学硕士学位论文 大跨连续刚构桥过度下挠问题研究 摘 要 大跨度预应力混凝土连续刚构桥已经成为现今桥梁建设中首选桥型之一,在交通建设 中发挥着举足轻重。但在这类桥梁的使用中发现,它们都不同程度的产生跨中下挠过大的 问题。这一问题已经影响到桥梁的行车舒适度,严重的可能带来安全隐患。对这一问题产 生原因的研究也变得十分重要。这既是对现有桥梁问题的解决,又为连续刚构桥未来的发 展扫清障碍。本文依托实际工程中的椒子坪大桥,对它进行了 Midas 软件的二维建模和 ANSYS 软件的三维建模。通过这两个模型对过度下挠问题可能产生的原因进行了受力分 析。分别对整体结构剪切变形、收缩徐变、刚度、预应力损失、荷载等可能影响因素进行 了模型模拟和分析。分析得到单纯整体结构下的剪切变形对下挠的影响很小,可忽略不计。 收缩、徐变的影响在设计考虑范围内。而荷载的影响能够被很好的控制,并不会很大。影 响主梁过度下挠的原因主要是刚度的下降和预应力的损失。其中预应力损失影响稍大一 些。 关键词:连续刚构桥,挠度,参数分析 i 河北工业大学硕士学位论文 SPAN CONTINUOUS RIGID FRAME BRIDGE OVER THE PROBLEM OF DEFLECTION ABSTRACT Large span prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame bridge has become a modern bridge construction bridge of choice in playing a very important transportation construction. However, the use of such a bridge is found, they all have different levels across the problem of excessive deflection. This problem has affected the traffic bridge comfort, serious potential security risks. On the causes of this problem has become very important. This is the solution to the problem of the existing bridge, but also for continuous rigid frame bridge clear the way for future development. This article relies on practical engineering sub-floor bridge pepper, it was Midas software ANSYS two-dimensional modeling and three-dimensional modeling software. Through these two models over the next torsion problem may be the causes of the stress analysis. Respectively, shear, creep and shrinkage, stiffness, loss of prestress, load and other factors that may affect the model simulation and analysis. Analysis by simple shear on the deflection effect is small, can be neglected. Shrinkage and creep of the design taken into account. The impact of load can be well controlled, and will not be great. Deflection of the main beam over main reasons for the decline in stiffness and prestress losses. Loss of prestress which is slightly larger.. KEY WORDS: continuous rigid frame bridge, deformation, analysis of parameter iii 原创性声明 小人 EU tF..lliipj : WJ 111 之 YJ,



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