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南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 大迎角动态试验及等离子体在前体流动控制中的应用 大迎角动态试验及等离子体在前体流动控制中的应用 I I I II 摘 要 飞行器在大迎角状态下,头部会出现非对称流动,并伴随出现很大的侧向力。本论文选取 两种布局的飞机模型,一种是常规布局,一种为鸭翼布局,分别进行了大迎角大振幅俯仰动态 风洞试验,比较了两者的横侧向气动特性,研究了鸭翼对于横侧向气动特性的影响;在此基础 上在常规布局模型头部加装了扰动片,尝试对大迎角状态下的侧向力进行控制,结果显示,不 论是静态过程还是动态过程,都使得模型的侧向力和偏航力矩减小,从而改善了俯仰运动过程 中大迎角下的横侧向气动特性。 接着,采用 PIV 测试技术,在静止空气中测量了 H 型、L 型和 O 型三种结构的介质阻挡等 离子体激励器的诱导速度场,分析其流场结构,并研究了激励器的几何参数和激励电压对诱导 速度的影响。通过实验得出,L 型激励器诱导出的是一股沿顶角平分线方向斜向上的射流,O 型和H型激励器会产生垂直方向的射流。三种结构的激励器产生射流速度随着电压的增大而增 大。此外,H 型激励器的诱导射流速度受电极极间宽度影响,L 型激励器的诱导射流方向受电 极顶角影响,O 型激励器的诱导射流速度受到激励器电极直径影响。 最后,在流动显示实验中,在旋成体头部加装常规等离子体激励器和 L 型激励器,对大迎 角下的头部非对称涡进行控制;实验结果显示,通过开启一侧的激励器,能够改变非对称涡对 的偏转方向。 关键词:俯仰运动,大迎角,横侧向,旋成体,前体控制,等离子体激励器,PIV,烟线 Abstract When the aircraft is at large Angle of attack, asymmetric flow appears on the head and accompany occurrence large lateral force. In the first part of this paper , there are kinds of plane model ,one is routine layout, the other is canard layout. Through the large amplitude pitch dynamic test at high angle large of attack in the wind tunnel, the lateral-directional unsteady aerodynamics of two models are compared. The influence of canard wind at ateral-directional unsteady aerodynamics is studied. When the forebody strake is applied at the nose tip of routine model, the force and moment are suppressed effectively at the high angles of attack, not only the static test but also the dynamic test. So the lateral-directional aerodynamic characteristics are improved. Then, the induced velocity fields of three plasma actuators, H-type ,L -type and O-type, are measured quantitatively by using the PIV in quiescent air. The flow field structures are analyzed. The effects of the geometric structure and excitation voltage are studied. It was found that L-type actuators induce a sloping jet which direction is along the top angle bisection, O-type and H-type produce vertical jet, jet velocity increases with the increase of excitation voltage. The velocity of the jet inducted by H-type ac



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