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Lü Shuxiang (1908-1998) is a famous linguist, and also a remarkable translator. In China, most accomplished translators have the double identity of translator and writer, but Lü Shuxiang is a translator and linguist. He presents numerous comments on translation, but all scattered in his treatises or the translator’s prefaces. Although L
ü Shuxiang is an accomplished linguist and translator, people have paid much
attention to his linguistic views and achievements while neglecting his success in translation. As translation studies develop today, more and more scholars pay attention to individual translators and begin to take them as the object of their research. This thesis will study Lü Shuxiang as a translator. Based on the previous studies, the thesis attempts to display to its readers a fuller image of Lü Shuxiang as a translator.
Lü Shuxiang’s translation activities can be divided into two stages: the trial stage and the mature stage. The author studies the social background, Lü’s translation activities and his translation works in each period, and tries to reveal whether a
translator’s activities are affected by specific social factors. Although Lü Shuxiang does not formulate a systematic theory of translation, he does hold some unique opinions on translation. Lü’s translation is the manifestation of both his personal language views and the product of his time. His translation aims to broaden the national view, to do a comparative study of English and Chinese and to reform the target language. He thinks that he is an amateur translator, so he has enough space to choose the original. And his selection of the original is influenced by two kinds of
factors: one is ideology and the other is social background. Lü’s translations are
known for faithfulness and fluency. He doesn’t agree to simply describe translation criteria by “literal translation” or “free translation”. Lü’s translations are neither famous works nor masterpieces. He
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