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I I 摘 要 摘 要 法国思想家让·雅克·卢梭在《社会契约论》中提出了主权在民的思想,是 现代民主制度的基石。虽然,他这一理论被今天的政府所采用,但他没有想到是, 今天,表达“公共意志”的不仅仅是这些代议机构,拥有快速传播渠道的大众传 媒同样具有了这样的功能。正是因为传媒具有这种功能,多少年来,政府与传媒 之间的关系也在一直随着时代的变化而不断进步。 在政府与传媒所建立的互动关系上,美国有着比较成熟的经验和运作方式, 并随着新兴媒体的发展,正逐步探索和实践新的互动关系模式构建。中国目前正 在快速发展,政府与媒体也变得比以往更加开放。过去政府与传媒之间的关系正 在一点一点的发生改变。政府对传媒的管理,以及传媒对政府的能动都将大大的 影响国家未来的发展。因此,如何构建政府与传媒之间更为良性的互动关系,将 是中国未来的发展亟待解决的问题。 本文提出了中美政府与传媒互动关系的比较研究,就是为了通过对中国和美 国之间的政治文化环境、传媒发展状况、政府与传媒互动关系状况的比较,找出 影响政府与传媒关系的某些因素,对当下中国政府与传媒构建良性互动关系提供 一些借鉴与思考。 关键词:政府,传媒,互动关系 II II ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The French ideologist Jean-Jacques Rousseau mentioned in his notable works The Social Contract the thought that signory belongs to the civilians, which is the foundation of modern democracy institutions. Although this theory of him has been adapted by today’s governments, it must had been out of his original expectation that nowadays “public volition” can not only be expressed by government institutions but also by mass media which possesses rapid spreading channels. Thus for years, the relationship between the governments and media has been increasingly progressing along with the variety of times. America has been experienced in the interaction between government and media and has accordingly developed a mature operational method. Moreover, it is gradually exploring and practicing to construct new-type interaction mode. China is now in rapid development, while Chinese government and media are getting open wider to the outside world than ever before. Thus the relationship between the government and media is changing bit by bit. The management of government to media as well as the effective of media to government can dramatically cause effect this nation’s future. Therefore how to construct a benign interaction between Chinese government and mass media is an urgent issue concerning China’s further development. This paper discusses the comparative investigation of the relationships between Chinese and American government versus mass media within two c


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