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I I 公司董事注意义务研究 中文摘要 公司董事注意义务是指董事在行使其职权时应该达到一定的标准的义务。随着现代公 司的迅速发展,所有权与经营权的分离,公司的命运与发展取决于其董事是否尽责,以为 公司赢取最大利益为己任,充分发挥董事的才能并善意的为公司利益发挥其在相同位置时 一般谨慎人之注意。为了保护所有权人即股东的利益,防止董事为自己利益滥用职权损害 他人权益,法律逐步重视与完善相关问题,明确董事注意义务以限制董事的行为,规定其 责任以有效控制职权滥用行为。现代公司所有权与经营权的分离使得股东的利益依赖于董 事的忠诚尽责,于内董事拥有管理权、决策权,于外董事拥有代表公司的职权,因此现代 公司相关法律的确立与完善有着重要的理论意义与现实意义。我国公司法对董事忠实义务 有相关具体规定,但我国单一的立法模式相对于其他双重结构立法模式的国家来说存在着 一些缺陷,责任内容存在缺失,适用范围存在局限性,司法审查机制存在漏洞。我国《公 司法》对董事注意义务做出更明确的规定以致完善乃当务之急。在授予公司董事经营职权 的同时建立限制其滥用职权的平衡机制,以此来保护股东即投资人的利益,同时减少公司 董事不必要的过重负担与压力,要求在面临新局面时改善现有立法空白状态。通过研究对 比美、英、日三个相对立法成熟的国家,对判断标准、司法审查机制及责任限制完善的研 究,反思我国相关立法现状。 关键词:公司董事 注意义务 判断标准 商业判断原则 责任限制 II II Research on Company directors duty of care Abstract Directors of the Company is the duty of the directors in the exercise of its powers should reach a certain standard obligations. With the rapid development of modern companies , separation, and development of the companys fate depends on ownership and management of its directors are responsible , that the best interests of the company to win the mission , in order to give full play to the directors in good faith for the benefit of the Company and its play generally prudent person s attention the same location. In order to protect shareholders ownership interests that prevent abuse damages the interests of the directors for their own rights and interests of others , attention and gradually improve the relevant legal issues , a clear duty of care to limit directors directors act requiring its responsibility to effectively control the terms of abuse. Hyundai separation of ownership and management makes the interests of shareholders depends on the loyalty of directors responsible, has management rights , decision-making power in the directors , with representatives of outside directors on the companys terms of reference , so the establishment of modern corporate laws and improvement has important theoretical and practical significance . Chinas relevant laws and regulations of



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