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II II I I 最后,呼吁政府加大公共租赁住房的投入力度,并且提供相关的资金 和政策支持。 关键词: 公共租赁住房 投资 效益 溢出效益 RESERCH ON THE INVESTMENT AND BENEFITS OF PUBLIC RENTAL HOUSING ABSTRACT As the main body of the housing security system,public rental housing palys an increasingly important role in sovling the housing problems of low-income people in our country. In this paper, investment and effectiveness of public rental housing system is for the study,it deeply analyses its realization cases of investment and benefits, especially the spillover benefits of public rental housing investments. First,the paper describes the operational status of public rental housing at this stage,and then theoretically elaborates the background of public rental housing,nature and access standards.Through introducing the current operational status of public rental housing,it evaluates the achievement of its effectiveness and analyses the reasons. The following is investment analysis of public rental housing.Financing model,financing channels,the functions of governmen in investment process and building mode are discussed. Then the paper explores the effectiveness of public rental housing,including economic and spillover benefits.Economic benefits include Rental income and commercial facilities revenue.Focusing on studying rental pricing methods,and then it come to a reasonable rent to income ratio by establishing a model. Then it analyzes spillover benefits of public rental investments, namely the role to protect and improve the livelihood. Finally, it attaches the actual case,Measuring out specific public rental housing investment projects in the Peoples Bank of long-term lending rates to achieve economic conditions, and discusses the spillover benefits that the project will be produced. In the end,it apeals to the government increasing the amount of public rental housing,and providing finacial and policy support. KEY WORDS: Public rental housing;Investment;Benefits ; Spillover benefits 广西大 广西大学硕士学位论文 公共租赁住房的投资与效益研究 广西大 广西大学硕士


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