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The emergence of the Internet is an important milestone in human information dissemination and Internet applications have rooted in every industries.Following the fact that the development of Chinese fashion industry has attracted more and more attentions,the idea of
“design” has become the core power of indigenous innovations and industrial upgrading.Fashion Design Information Websites specializes in investigating and studying the current trends of fashion and culture appeal to spreads the vogue and fashion trend forecasting. Fashion designers begin with design works by using Fashion Design Information Websites.While most of these websites have problems in aspects of incomplete functions and imprecise module classifications, etc.Clothing enterprises often spend huge budget to understand the market and direction of the design concept.Fashion designers also need a full-featured design information website to meet their needs about fashion design.While website builders hope to enhance the fucnction of websites.Therefore we need to build an evaluation system of Fashion Design Information Websites and apply it into research to solve these problems.
In the analysis of the functional basis points of Fahion Design Information Websites through questionnaires,user interviews and other multi-angle investigation .Presented a set of indicators about Fashion Design Information Websites.Four standards include information content, communication, technical feasibility and authority will be applied to make evaluations on these websites. Furthermore, nineteen secondary indexes such as richness, renewal rate, correlation, and professionalism and so on.Invited experts of fahion industry determining the degree of importance of each indicator and applies HYPERLINK /w/analytic/ analytic HYPERLINK /w/hierarchy/ hierarchy process (AHP) software to calculated the weight of each index and through the consistency examination.Finally composed the evalu
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