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俨二#二丐了τ 气二;户→寸干; … 厅 ., 军 .. 吨..而飞飞
公路超限超载运输严重危及公路及桥梁的寿命和安全,造成恶性交通事故频发, 扰乱公路运输市场秩序,影响我国社会经济快速、健康、持续发展。在培种背景下,
‘研究公路超限超载运输泊理对策既具有较强的理论意义,也具有很强的现实意义。本 文研究内容如下:
1、从超限超载运输的形成机制入芋,对超限超载运输现象产生的根源进行挖掘 分析,从而在理论上对超限超载运输的形成机制进行界定。
2、研究超限超载运输对道路货运成本、公路基础设施、运输市场秩序及社会风 气的影响等都产生了巨大的危害,旨在说明治理超限超载运输的意要性。
趴在超限超载运输形成机制分析的基础上,对超限超载运输产生的原因进行详 细的阐述。
4、从中国的实际情况出发,提出基于超限超载运输形成机制上的治理超限运输 的对策,希望能苟助于我国公路超限超载运输的治理。
丁he vehicle with overload or over-limited is a serious Iife and safety hazard to road and bridge.which are responsible for a lot of traffic accidents and reflect lots of problems in the energy industry structure in China. Under such social background. researching overload or over翩Iimited has a great of academic and realistic meaning. The followings are the main contents of this article.
‘From mechanism of overload or over-limited formationthrough analyzing reason produced in overload or over-Iimited. this article is focused on its connotation.
By research on the influence of overload or over-limited on road 仕eight transportation cost ,road infrastructure ,the order of transportation market and social order,this article
tries to explain the importance of overload or over-limited regulation.
Based on mechanism of overload or over嗣Iimited formation,the reason arisen from overload or overlimited formation is analysed.
Proceeding from Chinas actual conditions,.strategies to study overload or
over-limited are proposed. This dissertation looks forwardωmaking for the development of automobile overload or over-limited freight transportation.
KEY WORDS: Overload or Over-limited , Reason ,Harm ,Countermeasure
第一章锚论…………f...川…川..川..…..,...,...,川..…………… 1
1. 1 研究背景和意义.._,………… …..,,……,… 1
1.2 国内外研究概况…t..川 ………·…………………………川..川 f. 4
1.3 本文的构思及框架………,…… ……… 8
第二章相限跑载运输的理论研究川…………,…..……………………川… 9
2. 1 超限远输的规定和要求..川…..川...川…..川川………川….川...…..川…...… ….川…..川…...川….
2.2 公路超限』句否韶载的异同………..…川……..…川……..川…..川……川川……..…………..川…….
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