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-硕士学位论文 摘要 - 摘要 ? 1 ,锢, , 基于导师蒋恩臣教授对气吸式害 :I}前摘脱装置机理的研究,针对无气吸式割前摘脱装 置理论比较薄弱的现实,以南京农机化所研制,镇江脱粒机厂生产的 4LS-ISO 型自走 梳式联合收割机割台为研究对象,本论如指 IJ前摘脱装置的机埋进行了较为深入的理论 与实验研究。 首先通过稻究与丝线法演示相结合对装置内气流流场进 行了直观显示,确定了装置 内气流流场状态、分布及气流方向,发现当摘脱装置结构参蜘£择合适时,装置内流场 具有刷子的规律性,除搅龙所在位置及滚筒与底扳临近处外,可近似看作层流。通过气 流流场测试与数学回归相结合建立了流场回归模型,为籽粒在装置内的自由运动模拟奠 定了基础。 根据籽粒自由运动微分方程式和籽粒与外壳碰撞过程的动力学分析,建立了描述籽 粒运动过程的计算机模拟模型,从理论上建立起结构参数和运动参数与籽粒运动轨迹之 间的联系。通过计算机模拟实验,研究了运动参数与结构参数对籽粒运动轨迹和落粒损 失的影响规律,为台架实验奠定了理论基础。 通过单因素实验,确定了罩壳前端点与摘脱滚筒的位置关系、搅龙轴与滚筒轴的相 对位置、罩壳的导向位置、出风口位置等结构参数和机器前进速度、滚筒转速以及搅龙 转速等运动参数对落粒损失的影响规律,并给出了备参数的最佳工作范围。 关键词:割前摘脱机理参数优化模拟实验 …、 .. 、.…. ,r 硕士学位论文 ABSTRACf 东北农业大学 STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF STRlPPER HEADER 明, ABSTRACT Based 00 由,e studies 00 the mechanism of s创pping rotor wi由 air suction by prof. Jiang Enchen,m司or 挝、?sor of this dissertation,and facing the fact 也at the theory studied on stripper ‘ header without air suction ís weak,出is dissertation focuses 00 the 也rther studies on 也e mechanism of s创pper header without air suction through researching on 也e combine s创pper harvester 4LTS一150 maden in Zhenjiang thresher factory. ηle state of flow field in the stripper un?t was demonstrated by observing the flowing direction of rice husk and the swing dírection of silk thread in the air. It is found that when the structural opera也19 P缸副neters 缸e chosen suitably 由ere is ideal flow field in the device. Except at 由e position nearωauger and the connection position of rotor and bottom board ,flow field in 由e devìce can be reg缸ded 臼 larninar f1ow. By connecting the measured data of the flow field with mathematical treatment,由e regr臼s model of flow field was establish创, which is the base for the establishment of the simulation model of free graín motion in flow field. ηle ditferentia1叫uations of free grain motion in flow field and the dynamics analysis of the grain impact against the hood and bo忱。m board were developed,and the computer simulation model was developed to describe the whole pr田部S of a particle within tt



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