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郑州大学西亚斯国际学院 本科毕jk论丈 题 巨浅谈“三合一”唱法的几个训练手段 指导教师 付虹莉 职称副教授 学生姓名 陈茜茜 学号 20101611104 专 业 音乐表演 班级10级歌剧1班 院(系) 歌剧音乐剧学院 完成时间 2014年4月18日 浅谈“三合一”唱法的几个训练手段 摘 要 武秀之教授是我国优秀的民族声乐教育家,她提出的“假声位置真声唱法”在我 国声乐教育界颇受关注,受到国内音乐界的高度评价。当今,在我国的专业院校中声 乐唱法分为“美声唱法”、“民族唱法”和“戏曲唱法”,这三种演唱方法的训练手 段都互不相同,演唱者只能学到一种唱法,只能唱美声、民族、戏曲三种唱法的一种, 演唱风格比较单一。木文主要介绍武秀之教授结合美声、民族、戏曲唱法的训练手段 特点研宄出“假声位置真声唱法”(也称为“三合一”唱法)的儿个训练手段的训练 方法及其在“三合一”唱法中的重要作用,通过学习“三合一”唱法,演唱者可以同 时演唱三种不同风格的声乐作品,不仅可以唱美声、还可以唱民族和戏曲。 关键词 武秀之/三合一/训练手段 Introduction to ” Three-in-one ” singing a few training methods The English group ABSTRACT Professor Wu Xiuzhi is excellent national vocal music educator in our country, she put forward ’’true voice singing falsetto position” series of national vocal music teaching methodology,a ripple in vocal music education circle,have been under the spotlight. In professional colleges and universities in our country vocal music singing is divided into ?’bel canto,folk singing” and Mopera singing’’,the three methods of singing training methods are different, the performers can only learn a kind of style,can only sing bel canto, a kind of folk, drama three styles,singing style is unitary. This paper mainly introduces professor Wu Xiuzhi combination of bel canto, folk and traditional opera singing training means characteristics developed ’’really sound singing falsetto position’’ (also known as the singing) of several training means training methods and its important role in the series singing,by learning the n Three-in-one ’’ singing training means the singer can not only sing bel canto, can also sing national and traditional opera, singing in learning vocal music singing at the same time during three different styles of vocal music works. KEYWORDS Wu Xiuzhi . Three-in-one. training means ...5 ...5 ?…5 ???5 ???5 ???6 ???6 ...7 .…7 .…9 110 111 .12 摘 € TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h ABSTRACT II i仑 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark9 \o Current Document \h “假声位置真声唱法” 2 “假声位置真声唱法”的介绍 2 HYPERLINK \l boo



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