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1.The significance of subject and research
At the end of 2004,china has established its the third largest auto consumption market around the world fellowing US and Germany.however the holds of car per 1000 people is far away from that of developed countries(20 VS 600).Globally 70 percent of auto consumption relieves on mortgage(us climb the highest around 80 percent),contrasting the 10 percent of china.Car mortgage is highly premising in terms of the forwarding of china economy,people living level and car holds proportion.But because car mortgage extended blindly too far serval year ago,many commeicial bank and insurance companies turn the threshold of car loan off and release it
unconscientiously for the sake of more shares of potential car loan market,
which iS followed the underestimate the risk circumstances of car loan and ensures quite a few of management problem.On the early 2003,the
car mortgage was delayed in the whole country,the commercial bank’S
enthusiasm for car loan cooled down rapidly and insurance companies
also lifI down,as a result the industry of car loan stagnant for then on.
Bank is a enterprise of risking,it can’t grow up if it avoid risk in failure-then—stop way.Only when it learns the good and evil experiences of the car loan continnously,solids up the safeguard against risk,and manages to level off the balance of scale and quality can it realize the win—win target of the bank and society’S progress simultaneously.
This thesis pinpoint the main reason of car loan risk,demonstrating the necessity,feasibility,and furthermore the pattern and policy of improvement in terms of our country’S context from the insight of the existing problem.Because there have been few years since car mortgage start up,and the research on this field is far from maturity,SO quite a few points of view in this paper are far from better off.The author’S purpose
is to introduce more people to realize the importance of risk management of
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