Unit 5 SurfingtheInternet 英语第二册 老师用书课件.ppt

Unit 5 SurfingtheInternet 英语第二册 老师用书课件.ppt

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Words and Expressions Para. 1 返回 boost vt. to increase or improve something and make it more successful 促进,改善;boost up to help someone reach a higher place by lifting or pushing them 激励,吹捧 The new resort area has boosted tourism. 新的度假区促进了旅游业。 He boosted her up. 他激励她。 Para. 2 1. stimulate vt. to encourage or help an activity to begin or develop further 刺激,激励,促进(身体某部分)的功能 the President’s plan to stimulate economic growth 总统刺激经济增长的计划 返回 2. complex a. consisting of many different parts and often difficult to understand [=complicated; ≠ simple] 复杂的;费解的;综合的;多元的 a complex system of highways 复杂的高速公路体系 Para. 3 1. counteract vt. to reduce or prevent the bad effect of something, by doing something that has the opposite effect 对抗,抵消 They gave him drugs to counteract his withdrawal symptoms. 他们给他药物来对抗他的消退症状。 2. physiological a. 生理学的,生理的 physiology n. 生理学 返回 the science that studies the way in which the bodies of living things work a book on biochemistry and physiology 一本关于生化与生理学的书 3. feature vt. to include or show something as a special or important part of something 以 ……为特色;是…… 的特色 feature in A study of language should feature in an English literature course. Para. 4 返回 1. shrinkage n. the act of shrinking 收缩,皱缩,缩水 2. reduction n. a decrease in the size, price, or amount of something 减少;削减[(+in)],缩小[(+in)] reduction in 在……减少 a slight reduction in the price of oil 油价的轻微下跌 返回 3. affect vt. to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone’s situation 影响;对……发生作用 a disease that affects the central nervous system 一


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