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st st 一、 冠词 1. 不定冠词 a/an a. 第一次提到某人/物;泛指;表示时间、价格、速度相当于 every;固定词组(a few/little/bit, have a swim, have a cold, have a good time, in a hurry, for a while, keep a diary) b. a 辅音开头的单词,an 元音开头的单词 c. 某些被具体化的物质名词或抽象名词表示“一次、一场、一顿、一件”a strong wind, a great success, a great surprise d. a +序数词(first 除外)表示“又一,再一” a second one 2. 定冠词 the a. 双方都知道的人或事 b. 特指或上文已提到过的人/物 c. 独一无二 The earth moves around the sun. d. 序数词、特定比较的比较级、最高级 姓氏表示的一家人、夫妻俩 the Greens 单数名词或形容词前表一类人/物 the orange(橘子), the rich, the poor g. 专有名词:江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、沙漠 the Great Wall, the United States h. 表示方位 the north of China 西洋乐器 the piano 固定词组 at the age of, at the beginning of, at the moment, at the same time, all the time, by the way, in the daytime, in the end, in the middle of, in the morning/afternoon/evening, in the open air, on the other side of 3. 零冠词 a. 不可数名词和复数名词表泛指 b. 专有名词如人名、地名、国家名、街名、路名、山名 China, New York, Nanjing Road, Hainan Island c. 有物主代词、名词所有格 that, this, every, my, ours, teachers’, father’s d. 日期、星期、月份、季节 June 1 , on Monday, in May, in summer 但是特指某年某个 月份或某年的某个季节要加 the 如:in the spring of 1987 三餐、球类及学科 have breakfast, play basketball, in English 公共假日、节日 Near Year’s Day, Women’s Day g. 与 by 连用的交通工具 by bus, by car 但是 take a bus, in a boat, on the bike 除外 h. 固定词组 at noon/night/dawn, at school/work/home, day and night, face to face, in danger, in bed, in time, on duty, side by side, step by step i. a number of = a lot of;the number of “…的数量”且谓语动词用单数 二、 代词 1. 人称代词 主格(宾格):单数 I me, you you, she her, he him, it it; 复数 we us, you you, they them 2. 物主代词 形容词性(名词性):单数 my mine, your yours, his his, her hers, its its, our ours, your yours, their theris 反身代词 oneself 指示代词 this, these 近指; that, those 远指 打电话 this 介绍自己,that 询问对方 it 指上文提到的同一事物;one 泛指上文提到的同类而不同物;that 比较级中代替 前面提到的可数名词单数或不可数名词 it 常用句型:It is +adj (for/of sb.) to do sth.;It’s time to do/for/that…;It seems that…;It’s one’s turn to do…;It’s +adj +that 从句;Do you think it necessary to do sth. 5. 不定代词 either 两者中任何一个,neither 两者中都不,none 三者及以上都不,each 两者及以 上每


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