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1.Provide sb. with sth. Provide ....for .....给某人提供某物 2.Make a name foe oneself 首次使某人成名 3.A great deal more ,so much more,no more,a lot more,litter more, more前面用副词后其他短语修饰 4.Scale down 按比例缩小 5.On track to 在什么轨道上 6.Two year on 两年过去了 from now on 从现在开始 7.......In place 什么就位,在适当的地方 8.On the stage 在舞台上,by / at the stage 在....阶段 9.To some/an extent 某种程度上 10.be of the benefit 对什么有好处。 11.Fill the bill 符合要求 12.above board光明正大的,board up 用木板封闭 13.By the book按规矩,依照惯例 14.Boost in sale 销售额猛增 15.Bounce up and down 上下颠簸 16.Go bust 破产 17.Be calculated to do sth.旨在,打算,适用于..... 18.Calculate on 指望,依赖 19.Call for叫某人来 call off 取消,call up 打电话,call in one`s aid求某人援助 20.Catch a cold 亏本 21.Cater for供应 22.Catering industry餐饮业 23.Claim for 要求 24.Sth. Claim one`s attention某事值得注意 25.clear out 清楚,澄清 26.Clear away把....清除掉 27.Stay clear of 避开 28.In collaboration with与.....合作 29.In commission 可以使用的 Compete for为了...而进行竞争with sb. In sth. 30.Competence for... 能胜任 31.Compliment away赠送 compliment slip 礼帖 compliment sb. For sth. 32.A component part of...什么的组成部。。分 33.Do sth. For corporate good 为共同利益做事 34.Do credit to sb./sth.为...增光 35.Credit to.....把....归功于 36.In one`s debt 欠某人的人情 37.Debt-to -equity ratio 权益负债表 38.To make a down-payment 下定金 39.Asset value will crash 资产价值将崩溃 40.To be in negative equity 负债资产 41.By far通常用来修饰最高级为“.....得多,最......” 用来修饰比较级42.Far/much 43.A whale is no much a fish than a horse is 鲸和马同样不是鱼 44.Research and development expenditure 研究与开发费用 45.In stoke 有库存 46.Swift delivery 快速的运输 47.Squeeze money out of sb.榨取某人钱财 48.Wield influence 施加影响 49.In effect 实际上 50.Hold on to 抓住...不放 51.Pass on 传给下一个 52.当先行词是all /something/noting等或有序数词/形容词最高级或有any /few/no/only/some/very 是只能用that引导 53.Declare against 声明反对.....declare one`s intention immediately 开门见山 54.Deliver....to the door 送货上门 55.Cash on delivery 货到付款 make prompt delivery 即期交货 56.Draft/bill on demand 即期汇票 demand a refund 要求退款 57.A current deposit活期存款 cash deposit 押款现金,现金存款 58.Be



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