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智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料 SAT作文批改实例讲解-智课教育出国考试 SAT作文批改实例讲解,本文是一篇SAT作文,我们来看一下专业的老师对于这篇文章的批改,好的地方大家可以吸取其精华,剔除其糟粕,要时刻记住,逻辑和表达是一篇优秀文章的核心。 本文是一篇SAT作文,我们来看一下专业的老师对于这篇文章的批改,好的地方大家可以吸取其精华,剔除其糟粕,要时刻记住,逻辑和表达是一篇优秀文章的核心。 Topic: Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is? Original Beneath the surface usually lies the truth which may turns out to be unexpected and subversive. To those who only see one facet of an event, things invariably seem simple and single-sided. But to those who are perceivable enough to explore things underneath the surface, there is always a “however”. One prime example is the America Stock Market Crash in 1929. In the dazzling twentieth, the American bull market was so financially inviting that even the American middle class poured its money into the stock market, like the New York Stock Exchange. However, on October 4, 1929, the American economy came to an abrupt halt when the New York Stock Exchange crashed. The previous widespread optimism then shifted to a desperate pessimism shading the whole nation as nightmare. Consequently, the Great Depression befell, leaving American economy crippling. However, the American president Roosevelt insightfully staged a series of measures to save the falling economy. Just like a beam of sunlight expels the black cloud in the sky, Roosevelt brought a beam of hope to American people, saving the whole nation from the suicidal pessimism. Some may deem the Great Depression as an outright catastrophe to America. Yet beneath the bad impacts it heaved upon the country, we may find many benefits resulted. It is after the Great Depression that American people began to hold dear the value of prudence when investing in the stock market. They are more likely to avoid being overwhelmed by the seemingly sweeping optimism of current financial situations. The prophets on economy, formerly imprudent and arbitrary, are learning to be more careful and perspicacious when making predictions to the public. Thus,



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