初中英语_Module 3 Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_Module 3 Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Active Brave Confident ~ PAGE 1 ~ 绿色生态课堂 Module3 Making plans Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend?导学案 七年级 课型:Listening and speaking 【学习目标】(心中有目标,你就会走向成功!) 知识目标: 准确地读出并拼写出本单元单词短语: picnic, housework, else, nobody ,at ,nothing ,silly ,fantastic, go over, a piano lesson, do homework, help with the housework 2.能够记住本单元重点句型:What are you going to do…..? I am going to … 技能目标: 通过听、说、写、演熟悉一般将来时的用法; 通过听力训练培养学生预测和提取信息的能力; 初步会用一般将来时谈论某个人或者某些人打算做什么。 情感目标: 通过学习,锻炼学生有目的、有计划地做事,养成统筹安排的好习惯。通过询问他人周末计划情况,加强同学之间的交流与合作,形成互帮互助的良好学习氛围。 【学习重难点】一般将来时的运用及构成:主+ be going to+动词原形. 学习过程 【课前】 激活思维,自主预习 (推开一扇窗,你会看见满眼的绿色!) 预习教材,自主学习探新知,完成单词与短语。(组长核对答案,全员正确小组加2分) [p?kn?k] __________ 2[ha?sw??k] __________ 3. [els] __________ 4. [n??b?d?] __________ 5. [n?θ??] __________ 6. [s?l?] _________ 7. [f?nt?st?k] __________ 8.复习练习__________ 【课中】 激发情感,引发求知 (不依附,不从众,让思考成为习惯!) Step 1: Leading in. Free talk: Do you like the weekends? What are you going to do at the weekend? 2.Look at these pictures in the PPT, tell us what they are going to do? Step 2: Listening (组长核对答案,全员正确小组加2分) 1.The first listening. Listen and check the true sentences. Betty is going to see a movie in the afternoon. ( ) Lingling is not going to have a piano lesson..( ) It’s going to be a fantastic weekend.( ) The second listening. Listen and complete the table. People Things he/she is going to do Daming He is _____ _____ check his email. Betty Lingling and she _____ _____ _____have a picnic. Tony He is going to_____ _____ _____ alone 绿色互动,引发新知 Step 3: Reading Read after the flash, and pay attention to your pronunciation(注意发音).学生跟读课文。 Read by yourselves and then have a show.学生进行配音表演。 Group work : try to find sentences with the simple future tense (一般过去时)。Find their structure(结构). (积极回答并正确加2分) ________________________________________________________ 句型变化 否定句:_______________________________________________ 一般疑问句及回答:_____________________________________ 4.Retell the dialogue and


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