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随着上海“四个中心”建设特别是国际航运中心建设加快,提高上海 口岸工作效率,尤其是电子口岸建设的问题己成为上海国际航运中心建设的 重要问题。 本文在国内专家研究的基础上,对我国上海电子口岸建设的作用,上海 电子口岸的宏观环境、微观环境和内外部环境,上海电子口岸的发展对策等 问题进行了具体分析,最后得出结论:上海已经跨入了世界一流口岸的行列, 具备了成为国际航运中心城市的基本条件,面对世界性的口岸竞争,上海应 抓住和把握好时机,及时解决好发展中存在的问题。 【关键词】电子口岸对策电子商务 Abstract With the advancement on the construction ofFour Centers in Shanghai, especially on the construction of Shanghai International Shipping Center,it has become an important issue to enhance the working efficiency of Shanghai port customs clearance. Based on the researches of domestic experts, the article makes a concrete analysis of some problems of Shanghais Electronic Port, including the functions, the macroscopic and microcosmic environment, the inner and outside environment, as well as the developing and countermeasures, and so on. Finally, it goes to a conclusion that Shanghai has already strode into the list of cities which have ports of first class, and also has had the main conditions to become a central city of International Shipping. Facing the competition fiom all over the world, Shanghai must grab the opportunities and solve the problems timely during the process of its developing ? [Key words! E-port measurement EB TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 弓I吞 4 HYPERLINK Breaking Through Bureaucratn , A New Vision For Managing Governing In Government University Of California Press. [13J E.S Savas,2000: u Privatization and Pub lie-Private Partneerships v ,Seven Bridges Press. 本文是在导师黄建军教授的精心指导下完成的,在论文的选题和研究方 法及思路方面都得到了导师的悉心指导,使我获益非浅,借此机会,谨向黄 老师表示真挚的谢意。 导师严谨治学的态度,丰富的知识,诲人不倦的精神都给我留下了深刻 的印象,是我学习的榜样。 借此机会我感谢所有任课老师两年来对我的教育,感谢导师组的其他老 师对我的无私的帮助和关心。 在论文写作的过程中,我同学也给予了我生活和学习上的关心和帮助, 在此,一并向他们致以由衷的敬意和诚挚的感谢! 倪一华 2007年5月8日


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