小学英语_PEP英语5上Unit 4 What can you do Part A revision教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

小学英语_PEP英语5上Unit 4 What can you do Part A revision教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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教学设计 Stage I. Warm up Let’s sing.《Hey, hey, Robin, what can you do?》 The students sing the song with the video. 【设计意图】:活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣,歌曲当中出现的句型What can you do?和答语I can...是本节课的重点复习内容,为本课的复习做了铺垫。 Stage Ⅱ. Presentation 设置情境:New Year is coming. Well have a party here. If you finish 4 tasks, you can go to the New Year party. 【Task1】: Sharp eyes Flash the words: do kung fu, sing English songs, play the pipa, dance,draw cartoons, draw pictures, speak English... Students use “I can...”to review. At the end, teacher puts emphasis on the phonics and spelling of some phrases. 【设计意图】:强化重点单词的音、形、义,为下文的句子输出做准备,同时每个单词都蕴含着育人价值,对孩子进行德育渗透。比如关于speak English:Let’s speak English in class.关于do kung fu: Doing kung fu is healthy for us./It doesn’t matter. PE teacher can help you. 【Task2】: Free talk A: What can you do? B: I can...What can you do? A:I can ... Students make a dialogue with the word bank. 【设计意图】:旨在由词到句,层层递进,引导学生利用核心句贯穿重点单词的使用,同时在发展扩散学生的思维,引导学生越说越多。比如学生对比play football/basketball/ping-pong和play the pipa /piano/erhu两组,发现了play的用法;还有学生使用了too和and等小词,丰富了句子表达。 【Task3】: Let’s talk Listen and answer What can John do for the party? What can Zhang Peng do for the party? chant: What can you do? What can you do? I can ... What can you do? What can you do? I can ...,too. What can you do? What can you do? I can ...and ... listen and imitate 【设计意图】:复现文本,强化课文知识的输入,同时设计了一些拓展题目,强化学生句子的丰富度表达,培养学生的发散思维。 【Task4】: Role play Students role play the dialogue in groups. They also learn to listen to and make a comment on others’ performance. 【设计意图】:通过角色扮演的形式,学生更乐学,更高效地巩固所学,达到事半功倍。同时,学生还学会了倾听关注和积极评价。 Stage III: Party time. listen to New Year song Happy time: a game A challenge: Be a reporter 【设计意图】:第二个环节是砸金蛋,学生乐此不疲,通过回答里面的小问题,既复习本节课的内容,学生还能获得相应的小星星,获得了满足感。第三个环节是挑战环节,即综合语用输出。本环节一举两得,既有两两问答,培养学生的口语交际能力,又有汇报演讲,培养学生的演讲能力。 Stage IV. Summary What have you learned in this class? From knowledge、ability and emotion parts,the students can say something by themselves. 【设计意图】:授人以鱼不如授人以渔,教会学生从知识、技能、



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