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第 PAGE 页 基于“对话式学案”阅读教学   一、引言   英语新课程标准指出,一线教师要注重学生自主阅读能力培养,阅读课要留给学生充分自主阅读时间。在“学生为主体”理念指导下,高中英语阅读课活动设计应考虑如何为学生搭建阅读支架,构建读者对话渠道,帮助学生进行评判性阅读。因此,课前学案设计颇为重要。   学案实质上是教师用以帮助学生掌握教材内容、沟通学与教桥梁,也是培养学生自主学习与发展知识能力一种重要媒介,具有“导读、导听、导思、导做”作用。   然而,学案编制好后,何时使用、如何使用值得剖析。否则,阅读课教学很容易受学案禁锢,成为一堂类似习题讲解课学案梳理课,而忽视了课堂活动组织与教学策略运用。   本文试以译林版《牛津高中英语》教材模块二第三单元Reading为例,从 “Asking the dictionary”“Asking the article”“Asking the writer”与“Asking yourself” 等四个角度,阐述如何在阅读课中让学案使用效度最大化。   二、“对话式”学案设计案例   阅读课 “对话式” 学案设计不能等同于课后巩固练习设计,其侧重点在于启发学生在阅读基础上,能够读出字里行间深层意思,并提升学生思维层次。但问题设置必须遵循学生固有认知规律,由浅入深,层层推进,否则会让学生从一开始就敬而远之。以教材模块二第三单元 “The Curse of the Mummy”一文为例,笔者做了如下设计。(仅节选其中每个板块部分题目为例)   Students’ Sheet   Ⅰ.Asking the dictionary   (Choose the sentence in which the word has the same meaning.)   (1)The curse of the mummy.   A.Examination can be a curse as well as a curse.   B. In the story, a king has a magic power so that he can put a curse on someone he hates.   C.He got angry by the rude words and responded with a curse at once.   Ⅱ.Asking the article   (1)According to the title “The curse of the mummy”,which of the following topics might be talked about?   A. what the curse is   B. reasons of the curse   C. how people connected with the curse   D. what the “mummy” is   E. how to discover the mummy   Ⅲ. Asking the writer   (1)What is the genre(体裁) of this article?   ( Introduction/ Argument/ Description/ Narration)   (2)What is the writer’s attitude towards Howard Carter and “the curse of the mummy”? How do you know?   (3)Is it necessary for the writer to describe the person Howard Carter before telling us the curse of the mummy? Why or why not?   Ⅳ.Asking yourself   (1)Is it right to empty others’ tomb of everything? Did they live a happy life after they became rich and famous right away?   (2)In your opinion, what caused the strange deaths actually? Just coincidence? The curse? The viruses? Or anything else?   (Beginning with: There is a possibility that..., because...; The death



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