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疯狂的麦克斯2 我的生命在凋逝 My life fades... 视线渐渐模糊 ...the vision dims. 剩下的只有回忆 All that remains are memories. 我记得 混乱的时光... I remember a time of chaos... 毁去的梦想 这片被糟蹋的土地 ...ruined dreams, this wasted land. 但一切之中 我记得的是公路战士 But most of all, I remember the Road Warrior... 我们叫他麦克斯 ...the man we called Max. 要了解他是谁 必须回到另一个时代... To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time... 当世界仍以黑色燃油作为能量来源... ...when the world was powered by the black fuel... 沙漠里出现了有着钢铁和管线的大城市 ...and the deserts sprouted great cities of pipe and steel. 现在都没了 消失的一干二净 Gone now, swept away. 为了早被忘掉的原因 For reasons long forgotten, 两个强大的战士部落发生战争... two mighty warrior tribes went to war... 触发了一场大火 吞噬了一切 ...and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. 没有了燃料 他们什么都不是了 用稻草盖了房hearts;子 Without fuel they were nothing. Theyd built a house of straw. 雷声隆隆的机器 发出劈拍声后停了下来 The thundering machines sputtered and stopped. 他们的领导人谈了又谈... 又再谈 Their leaders talked and talked and talked. 但没有什么能阻止崩溃 But nothing could stem the avalanche. 他们的世界瓦解了 Their world crumbled... 城市被炸毁了 ...the cities exploded. 掠夺的旋风... A whirlwind of looting... 恐惧的火灾 ...a firestorm of fear. 人开始吃人 Men began to feed on men. 公路上到处是白色恐怖的梦魇 On the roads, it was a white-line nightmare. 只有行动力够到处觅食的... Only those mobile enough to scavenge... 残忍hearts;得能掠夺的 才活得下来 ...brutal enough to pillage, would survive. 帮派接管了高速公路... The gangs took over the highways... 为了一箱橘子汁准备发动战争 ...ready to wage war for a tank of juice. 在这样衰退的大混乱里... And in this maelstrom of decay... 普通人会被撕成碎片 ...ordinary men were battered and smashed. 像麦克斯这样的人 Men like Max. 战士麦克斯 The warrior Max. 在引擎的怒吼声里 他失去了一切... In the roar of an engine, he lost everything... 成了只剩空壳的人 ...and became a shell of a man. 一个累坏而寂寞的男人 A burnt-out, desolate man. 过去被恶魔追逐的男人 A man haunted by the demons of his past. 一位流荡到荒漠里的人 A man who wandered out into the wasteland. 就是这里... And it was here... 在这个枯竭之地... ...in this blighted place... 他学着重生 ...that he learned to live again. 油量 小心 地球 别伤了那蛇 放下它 Dont hurt the snake. Pu


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