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摘 要 16-19 岁青少年已经成为使用 QQ 的主要群体。本研究以 16-19 岁青少年作 为研究对象,考察他们对 QQ 的使用情况、依赖情况,以此来分析使用 QQ 对 他们现实人际交流是否真正存在影响。 根据 QQ 聊天兼具非匿名性和匿名性的特点,分别考察青少年在非匿名状 态下,即在熟人圈中,使用 QQ 的交流情况,和在匿名状态下,即在陌生人圈 中使用 QQ 的交流状态。又根据青少年的身心发育特点,本研究特别把异性交 流提出来,做了特别的讨论。 以问卷调查的定量研究方式为主,辅以深度访谈的研究方式,调查青少年 使用 QQ 的态度、目的、频率、方式和交流内容等,以此判断青少年使用 QQ 对现实人际交流的影响情况。 最后得出结论,青少年使用 QQ 无论是在熟人圈中、陌生人圈中,还是异 性中,都存在着对现实人际交流的影响,而且这种影响均具有双面性。 关键词:QQ ;现实人际交流;影响的双面性 1 Abstract QQ has been very popular in teenagers between 16 years old and 19 years old, who is part of main QQ users. This paper is an initial research on their QQ chatting to analyze the influence of QQ chatting on traditional interpersonal communication. It is an empirical study of the influence of QQ chatting on traditional interpersonal communication with classmates and net friends in that teenagers is anonymous, chatting with acquaintances, such as classmates, while non-anonymous chatting with strangers, such as net friends. According to the body and mind’s upgrowth of teenager, the paper approaches the study of the influence of QQ chatting on traditional communication from a special aspect of the heterosexual communication, as well. Quantities’ research of questionnaire survey is the main research method to investigate teenager’s attitude, purpose, frequency, manner and communication content of QQ chatting, on which we can judge how the teenager’s using of QQ influences the daily communication. In addition, depth interview is a complementary research method to express the details of QQ chatting. At last, I draw the conclusion that teenager


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