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May Holiday Has Gone!!!;What did you do during the holiday? Did you have some travel ? ;;;;;;;;;;Part II B Conversation 1 T-travel agent C1- Customer 1 T: Hello, Villa Rentals, can I help you? C1: Oh, hello. I do hope so. You see my husband and I are looking for a holiday villa and we’ve heard that you have some nice places in Italy, Iniscia. T: Oh yes, madam. We’ve got several villas on offer in Iniscia. How many people would there be in your party? C1: Well. It’s just the family, you know, my husband and …the three children. T: A party of five then, yes. And er… when would you want to be there? ;;C1: It sounds as if you’ve been there. T: Yes, for a couple of days last October on an inspection tour. And I fell in love with it at first sight. C1: Er, how many rooms has it got? T: Well, on the ground floor there are two double bedrooms, both of them beautifully decorated; a single bedroom and all three have their own bathroom and toilet facilities. Then still on the ground floor there’s a large kitchen, a large dining room and a very big outside terrace. And then upstairs it’s got a very large sitting-room with windows all around and a back garden with a big swimming pool. ;;T: Ah, for a Fiesta, it would be about £80 a week. C1: And for the house for those two weeks? T: For the period of September 4th till the 17th inclusive, it would cost, mm, you’re five people, let me see, um, £570 per person for the two weeks, including the return airfare. C1: Mm, well, it could be worse. Yes well, I’d really like to see some photographs of this place or something. Can you arrange that? ;;Conversation 2 T-travel agent C2- Customer 2 T: Hello, Villa Rentals, can I help you? C2: Oh, hello. Em…I…I…I’m just calling because I’ve er…I’ve just seen your advert about apartments and villas for rent. And erm…what…could you tell me more about them please? T: Of course, madam. But could you tell me something about what you’re looking for? And…where’d you like to go? How m


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