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Neck 山东大学医学院 解剖教研室 李振华 The muscles of neck Superficial group Platysma 颈阔肌,a thin sheet-like muscle of facial expression Sternocleidomastoid 胸锁乳突肌 Suprahyoid muscles Digastric 二腹肌 Stylohyoid 茎突舌骨肌 Mylohyoid 下颌舌骨肌 Geniohyoid 颏舌骨肌 Elevate (raise) hyoid bone and depress mandible. Infrahyoid muscle Sternohyoid 胸骨舌骨肌 Sternothyroid 胸骨甲状肌 Thyrohyoid 甲状舌骨肌 Omohyoid 肩胛舌骨肌 Depress hyoid or larynx after elevation Deep group Lateral Scalenus anterior 前斜角肌 Scalenus medius 中斜角肌 Scalenus posterior 后斜角肌 Medial longus capitis 头长肌 longus colli 颈长肌 Flex the head, bends the neck forward Major muscles of the neck Sternocleidomastoid Origin: manubrium and sternal end of clavicle Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone Action: contraction of one muscle draws head toward the same side, and turn face to opposite side; both muscles act together to draw head backward Scalenus anterior Origin: transverse processes of C3-C6. Insertion: tubercle for scalenus anterior Action: unilateral, bends neck laterally; bilateral, elevate first rib, an accessory muscle of inspiration; if rib is fixed, flex neck anteriorly Scalene fissure 斜角肌间隙 Above the first rib, there is a triangular space between scalenus anterior and midius. The brachial plexus and the subclavine a. emerge from this space. The arteries of neck Common carotid artery 颈总动脉 Origin (arises from) Brachiocephalic trunk on the right Aortic arch on the left Ascends in neck to upper border of thyroid cartilage; bifurcates into internal and external carotid arteries Carotid sinus 颈动脉窦(baroreceptor), located at a localizes dilation of terminal part of common carotid artery or beginning of internal carotid artery, sensitive to blood pressure changes Carotid glomus 颈动脉小球 (chemoreceptor), lies posterior to the point of bifurcation of common carotid artery, senses changes in blood carbon dioxide (oxygen) levels Branches of external carotid a. Superior thyroid a. 甲状腺上动脉-desc


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