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淘花/百度专用 數學技巧的培養 Developing Arithmetical Skills 討論問題 小孩子何時掌握數學運算的概念 (比如說, 加可增數量, 減可以減少數量)? 小孩是否認識交換律 (3+4=4+3)? 他們什麼時候認識, 是他人教的還是自學的. 十進制對學生的學習有何重要性? 學習時有什麼困難? 用什麼方法最為有效? 分數學習有什麼困難? 為什麼困難? Informal Arithmetic Piaget(1965): children did not have a conceptual understanding of basic arithmetic until the age of 7 or 8 years Children have considerable informal knowledge (Starkey et al) Children’s Early Arithmetic Knowledge Young Children, even infants, have a fundamental understanding that addition and subtraction influence quantity; Early implicit knowledge limited to quantities up to and including three items and is accomplished nonverbally. By 4 or 5, most children use verbal counting in situations requiring “ +” and “ -”. Arithmetic Knowledge Commutativity Base 10 Knowledge Fractions Commutativity 交換性 What is commutativity Do Children understand commutativity? When? How (Taught or induced) Solving 13+6 and then 6+13 72% of the first grade and 83% of the second- and third-grade consistently (at least 3 or the trials) solve without counting first-grade children had not been explicitly taught commutativity 40% kindergarten children understand commutativity. Induced by noting the outcome of basic addition. Base-10 Knowledge Why is base-10 system important understand multi-digit numbers regrouping in addition carrying and borrowing How to teach Base-10 knowledge concrete representation versus rote-learning Fractions Why is the concept of fraction difficult to grasp? 1/5 + 1/6 - 2/11 1/3 1/2 Not encountered in daily life? Do not have intuitive understanding Internal knowledge of counting and addition required? Arithmetic Operations Addition Simple Addition Complex Addition Subtraction Simple Subtraction Complex Subtraction Multiplication Simple Multiplication Complex Multiplication Division 討論問題 列出兒童計算個位加數時所用策略, 並請簡述每一種策略及每種策略習得的途徑,所需技巧,常犯錯誤. 列出兒童計算較大數量加數時所用策略, 並請簡述每一種策略及每種策略習得的途徑, 所需技巧,常犯錯誤. 列出兒童計算乘數時所用策略, 並請簡述每一種策略及每種策略習得的途徑, 所需技巧,常犯錯誤. 列出兒童計算除數時所用策略, 並請簡述每一種策略及每種



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