疾控中心进销存管理系统的分析与实现-analysis and implementation of cdc purchase, sale and storage management system.docx
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疾控中心进销存管理系统的分析与实现-analysis and implementation of cdc purchase, sale and storage management system
摘 要摘 要随着人类社会的进步,计算机信息技术飞速发展,进销存管理系统的应用也 越来越广泛。疾控中心进销存管理作为疾控中心日常运作的重要环节,与疾病预 防控制事业有着紧密的联系。随着疾控中心规模的不断扩张,疫苗、固定资产以 及易耗品的采购量和销售领用量急剧增加,日常进销存管理难度增加。其次,现 有的进销存管理系统还无法达到疾控中心进、销、存等流程高效管理的需求,如 何根据疾控疾控中心实际情况设计出适合自身的进销存管理系统,是本论文研究 的主要内容。本论文通过对广安疾控中心进销存管理流程的调研和需求分析,提出了采用 C/S 与 B/S 结合模式开发的进销存管理系统。该系统与市场上的企业进销存管理相 比采用更合理的模块化设计,并且基于广安疾控中心现状提出的管理方法和进销 存流程,实现了对疾控中心疫苗药物、固定资产和易耗品进销存各个环节的有效 监督和管理,同时提高了疾控中心的经济效益和日常工作效率。本论文从对该系统的研究和设计展开,首先介绍课题的研究背景和意义、国 内外研究现状。然后实际需求出发,分析比较 C/S、B/S 架构,确定系统 C/S、B/S 结合开发的架构模式,从需求分析、架构设计、数据库设计、系统模块设计等方 面进行了详细的分析和设计,同时也细致的说明条码技术和 JBPM 工作流引擎在 系统设计中的方案,最后本文给出了系统部分运行的界面效果图,同时结合性说 明论文的主要工作和系统特性,也说明规划了系统存在不足和改进的部分。现如今,疾控中心进销存管理系统开发基本完成,经过测试和实际应用表明, 在需求和功能上,本文开发的疾控中心进销存管理系统基本达到预期要求,满足 了疾控中心的实际应用需求,证实了系统设计的可行性。关键词:疾控中心,进销存管理,C/S,B/S ,条码技术,JBPMIABSTRACTABSTRACTWith the progress of human society and the rapid development of information technology, inventory management system is being used more and more widely. As an important part of the Center for Disease Control daily operations, inventory management system is closely related to the disease prevention and control division. With the expanding of the CDC scale, the amount of vaccines, fixed assets, purchases and sales of consumables had increase sharply which add the difficulty of management for CDC. At the same time, the traditional enterprise inventory management system cant meet the requirement of Center for Disease Control. So, the main idea of this thesis is to design an inventory management system for CDC which is based on the actual situation of its own.Through research and analysis for inventory management processes of the Guangan CDC, this paper put forward a new mode of inventory management system which combined C/S and B/S. Compared with the existing enterprise inventory management system, this inventory management not only has more reasonable design in modular, but also has more efficient supervision and management in every process of vaccine drugs, fixed assets, consumptions goods in CDC. Based on the in
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