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婴幼儿合理用药 Pediatric medication issues 良药源于知识 Knowledge is the best medicine 药剂科:杨景秀 Pharmacy: Yvonne Yang Jingxiu.yang@ 8068 儿童生理特点 Pediatric Physiological features 各器官处于生长发育阶段; Organs at the stage of development. 神经、内分泌、许多脏器发育不完善; Nerves, endocrine system and organs under development. 肝解毒、肾排泄功能较成年人弱。 Liver detoxicating; kidney excretory function are weaker than adults. 血脑屏障不健全。BBB are under development. 儿童用药基本原则 Basic principle for pediatric medicines 心理、物理治疗可医治,不依赖药物; Psycho, physical therapy are the best choice, never depend on medicine. 一种药物可治疗的疾病,不应用多种药物; One medicine treatment instead of multiple items. 低级抗生素可治疗的疾病,不用高级抗生素。 According to the disease, choose the appropriate antibiotics. 用药途径:根据疾病的种类与严重程度,能口服不选肌肉、可肌肉不选择静脉,最大程度降低输液带来的风险。 General Routing option is safe first. According to the sever degree: oral/im//iv. 选择安全、有效、毒付作用小、适合儿童的药物. Medicine for children:Safety, efficacy, less side effects. 安全用药-永恒主题 Medicine safety – Topic forever 父母对宝宝用药全面了解。宝宝正在服用何种药物?为何选用?如何服用?服药后副作用是什么? It is very important to understand what /why/how and what the side-effects might be. 与医生、药师沟通;您有权利询问和了解你的宝宝所使用的药物。 Talking to your doctor and pharmacist, not be afraid to ask questions. You have the right to ask and to know. 告知服用的处方药、非处方药、中成药,有些药物合用会改变药性。 Tell your doctor all of the medication you are taking. Don’t forget your OTC and even herbal remedies. Some interact with each other which can change the way they work. 安全用药-永恒主题 Medicine safety – Topic forever 正确用药剂量(Robutassin),正确用药时间,是用药安全的保障; Correct medication dosage is medicine use security. 处方药根据医生与药师的指导用药,非处方药严格按照药师及说明书中规定剂量执行,不宜擅自增加与减量(Echosea)。或根据公斤体重计算用量,三天未见效,需咨询医生。 Prescription/OTC medicines should follow doctors instruction and pharmacists guidance. 注意给药间隔 Medicine duration 婴幼儿肝、肾功能发育尚不成熟: 大部分药物在肝脏解毒、肾脏排泄速度较成人缓慢,体内消除半衰期延长。在注意给药剂量的同时,注意给药间隔。如:常用的退烧药布洛芬(美林)每6-8小时给药一次,每24小时不要


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