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大学生性别角色类型 自尊与人际交往能力的关系研究-应用心理学专业论文
This research makes a survey on the Gender Role Types, Self-Esteem and Interpersonal Communication Ability among University Students, and discusses the relationships between them. The main purpose is to provide more information for the research of Gender Role Types, Self-Esteem and Interpersonal Communication Ability among University Students, enrich our research in this field and also to provide additional guidance for the gender role shape and interpersonal communication of college students.
The research adopts stratified cluster sampling method and selected 900 members from several universities, such as Hebei Normal University, Hebei University of Economics and Business Hebei University of Science and Technology, Hebei Agric. ultural University. This research adopts the questionnaires of BSRI, SLCS and Interpersonal Communication Ability among University Students. All effective data is analyzed by the means of descriptive statistics, chi-square test, correlation analysis and regression analysis.
This study makes the following conclusions:
The distribution of college student’s gender role type is not balanced and it has remarkable differences. The distribution of masculinity and femininity is evidently less than the distribution of androgyny and undifferentiation. The result is in ascending ordering by masculinity, femininity, androgyny and undifferentiation; The main gender type of male is androgyny and undifferentiation. The main gender type of female is femininity and androgyny, but the proportion of androgyny is also high; The masculinity in male students is much more than the femininity in male students, and the femininity in female students is much more than the masculinity in female students; The distribution of the four gender types has cross-grade coherence; The distribution of college student’s gender role type has remarkable differences on major.
Each gender role type has remarkable differences in the level of self-esteem and interpersona
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