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硕士学位论文 MASτERS THESIS Abstract Well-being is a core ∞ncept towards actìve psychological state,and is a posìtive evaluation of peoples life q口均取By using Multiple Happiness Questionnaire (MHQ)drawn by Yuanjiang Miao 姐d Coping Style Questionnaire drawn by Jihua X恒、 this paper rnakes a study on 1206 college ♀tudents 金。m 10 different colleges of 4 dif如-ent types (key university,norrnal undergrad\且在te university ,private college in public university,higher vocational ed飞lcation and prof 桂ssional college). The aim oft协 paperis 10 explore the statistical differences of sense of happiness and coping style 挝nong different types of college students. The results aτed臼nonstrated as following. As to different types of universities ,the students in key univ出ltles own rnore subjective sense of happiness and experience less negative emotion than the students from the other 世宜出 types of universities. They also adopt less negative coping styles such as iIIusí四,, escape,and rationalization than the students from other 如ee 砂pes of universities. The students in higher voc在tional education and professìonal college focus less on good relationship,and are less satisfactory in life than others. As 如 as di酝rent grad岱 concerned ,freshmen and sophomores adopt less negatìve copíng styles such as self二accusation,i1l口sion, escape二 and ratìonalization than juniors and seniors,and its c1ear that the 企eshmen er可oy more in psychological happiness ,s歧jectìve happiness and comprehensive happiness than other three grades. In thεaspect of sex,female students tend to adopt the coping style of s咀ccorance and ilI毡s?on气功lile male students tend to a过opt rationalizatìon. But there are no differ号nces in the other 注rr茸茸 coping styles. Female students e句oy more in subjectìve sense of happiness. In home education,students from democratic ?盎nùlies show sìgnificantly 1臼sm self二 accusation,escape  illusion 四ionalization than others. Meanwhile they enjoy significantly more in life vigor,health attention.


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