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摘要 摘要 万方数据 万方数据 船舶主要要素的智能化设计系统开发 摘 要 主要要素确定是船舶设计中的重要内容和基础性工作;主要要素 确定是一个系统规划问题,确定过程有很高的复杂度。计算机辅助设 计是提高设计效率的强大工具,但传统的以人为主的主要要素确定过 程在计算机化的过程中遇到了很大困难;已有的一些计算机辅助设计 系统固定、单一的运行模式限制了设计工作的灵活性,目前仍很难满 足实际船舶设计的需求。 为此,结合船舶设计的原理和特点,从不同的角度和基于新的思 路建立了船舶主要要素的设计系统,使其能够更好地适应主要要素的 确定工作。一方面是在系统中更注重设计者的重要性和参与度;系统 为设计者提供了自由的人机交流方式,设计者可以在系统中更加自由 和自然地建立设计模型,包括对设计的目标、约束要求、计算方法等 进行定义、选择、修改,使实际问题在计算机系统中的模型更加真实。 另一方面,系统通过智能化方法,将设计者经验转化为计算机知识, 在计算机中实现了基于经验的设计方法,用于解决设计过程中难以量 化和不能以数值形式表达的复杂问题,在计算机中延续了经验在船舶 设计中的重要作用。 基于以上思想,开发了用于主要要素确定的计算机辅助设计软件。 软件中还集成了型线设计软件 FREE!ship,开发了静水力、阻力等性 能的计算模块,具备了基本的主要要素确定和主要性能的计算能力。 最后通过一个算例的验证,证明系统在船舶初步设计中的可用性。 关键词:船舶主要要素,船舶设计,计算机辅助设计系统,人机 关系,人工智能,专家系统 I - DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR SHIPS PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS DESIGN ABSTRACT Determination of a ship’s principal particulars is one of the most essential and basic parts during ship design. It is a linear programming problem which requires overall consideration of the complex ship system. Computer Aided Design (CAD) is an effective design tool in ship engineering. But it’s still very hard for a compute to solve this problem because it is usually solved artificially. The existing ship CAD system limits the flexibility during design, since the codes of CAD program is fixed and single. To satisfy the principle and characteristics of ship engineering, a new CAD program is coded in a different view point and based on a new mentality. On one hand, the program heightens designer engagement and importance in the design process and provides a more flexible way for the communion between man and machine. Designer can build design model more naturally in the program and the custom made model that includes design goals, constraints, and calculation methods can make the model more realistic. On the other hand, the system brings the experiential knowledge into computer using intelligent method, so the computer can solve the ship design problem which is hard to quantization II - based on experiences. The intelligent metho



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